CLOUD-0: Should Sanctum change the logo on its website and socials?

I love the old/current logo. A red arrow pointing to the top left does not give me good vibes. If, then I like green arrows to the top right. The current blue color is perfect. Clear blue skies ahead! I vote AGAINST.

Besides, I do NOT like the voting via buying/selling at all. Why not do a simple stake-based voting system?

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I’d vote Yes if it was Clud. And yeah changing X is a baaad idea.

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I vote Yes , this is a test for governance 1 week …lets go

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Hi bozer, so Sanctum are trying a different approach to governance – Futarchy. You could view this as an experiment and a chance to try & learn something new.

So basically the first test vote is about this temporary change of the logo. Let’s say I love it and I will tell you: “I bet $10 this proposal will win”. You don’t like it and are convinced it won’t happen, so you tell me: “I bet $15 this proposal will not pass”.

Now everybody does this. We all open our “bet orders” – mine is a buy order ($10 USDC to buy CLOUD) and yours is a sell order ($15 worth of CLOUD to sell for USDC).

If the buy side wins, i.e. there is more USDC wanting to buy CLOUD, then the vote passes and all the buy/sell orders get executed.

This is just a basic description based on how I understand it so far. There are other aspects like it’s a market, it’s about price, ppl can open multiple orders, etc. So let’s see where this leads :nerd_face:


Change is always a good idea

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well, i get what it’s trying to do. just mainly never have USDC (LOL)

It’s definitely a different way for governance, but I worry that since it’s kind of a one way deal in terms of how $CLOUD is used, that it actually hinders $CLOUD utility

Edit: Isn’t this forum exactly for hashing out those questions that futarchy is trying to tease out instead of leaving them to be teased out at the time of voting itself?

Voting YES on Cloud Al Gaib. Very keen to be a part of this (:

lmao i thought the exact same thing. green is better than red

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Just as scientific as saying that left is better than right.

So does that make all of us who voted zero boys???