[New LST Proposal] windSOL

  • Introduction

    • I’m delighted that we can now have a specific discussion about this idea with @fplee. In this response, I will provide supplementary explanations about the game system that we couldn’t fully describe in the proposal and answer your questions. This is the result of considering various possibilities after receiving your feedback from the APAC Summit.
  • Characteristics of Windfall’s Game Design

    • Unlike typical Play-to-Earn games, Windfall adopts an approach closer to luck-based gaming. (We think the rhythm game in the demo video, being skill-based, might have caused some misunderstanding, but this game will also be updated to be luck-based.) The main objective is to provide players with a “sense of exhilaration”. In usual gambling or casino games, players risk losing their stakes to get this exhilaration, but with Windfall, players only need to deposit $SOL, which can be withdrawn later, resulting in essentially “No Risk (No Loss)”. Our main target user is those who desire opportunities to gain substantial amounts of money while limiting their risk. In essence, it’s “PoolTogether + luck-based gamification”. While PoolTogether is a boring process of just depositing money and waiting for results, we believe that by adding gamification, we can increase retention and attract a wider audience.
  • Addressing Cursed Problems

    • We believe that the two Cursed problems you pointed out do not apply to Windfall’s design. This is mainly because the game is Luck-based. Players play not just for pure fun or financial rewards, but for the “sense of exhilaration”. There’s no perception of labor-like rewards such as hourly wage calculations. Also, the ranking system differs from that of skill-based games. Based on Luck-based game results (players compete by betting points gained through deposits during gameplay), lotteries are distributed according to rankings each season. Rewards are allocated based on the results of these lotteries, preventing top players from monopolizing rewards. Many players will play for the possibility (exhilaration) of winning big rewards, even if the average reward is less compared to other LSTs. (However, while there may be disparities among players, the overall expected revenue is the same as other LSTs.)
  • Game Development Conditions

    • We plan to release multiple casual games on Windfall, prioritizing the following conditions:
      1. Set the luck:skill ratio to 9:1 (or 10:0) to allow play regardless of skill level
      2. Provide rich play experiences through IP collaborations, etc.
      3. Maintain simplicity with rules that are immediately understandable
      4. Keep each play short to quickly deliver the sense of exhilaration
        【Example】an original gaming design with bonk :
  • Team’s Core Motivation

    • Regarding the question “What do you, in your heart of hearts, want to do? Do you want to demystify staking? Or do you want to build a cool game?”, our answer is the latter. We believe that pursuing the design of an attractive ecosystem and individual game experiences is primarily important for the success of this project. On top of that, we are considering enhancing DeFi integration as a strategy to distribute more rewards to users in a more sustainable manner.
  • Regarding the [Proposal] LSTs: A New Funding Model for Game Development

    • The proposal is very interesting. In fact, our team had previously launched a full on-chain indie game on another chain, but it’s currently pending due to lack of development funds. We believe infrastructure that allows individual developers to express their creativity without worrying about funding is essential. While we will initially develop games in-house, we have future plans to involve individual developers and conduct bottom-up game development, so we would definitely like to utilize this mechanism.
  • Conclusion

    • Windfall adopts a new approach that provides “No Risk” exhilaration, unlike traditional Play-to-Earn models. By incorporating elements of GambleFi while minimizing players’ risk of loss, we aim to encourage participation from a wide range of users through our unique and sustainable system.
    • We believe this differentiates us from other LST proposals, as there are currently almost no proposals targeting the Degen demographic in this way.