[Proposal] Active Earnest Rewards (AER) similar to JUP ASR

I ask for some hesitation in completely mirroring the staking mechanism for JUP.

It’s proven to be a good model with the Active Staking Rewards leading to an active DAO but JUP staking as a whole is a primitive system.

As Sanctum is about liquid staking I would be surprised if the staking mechanism is not more sophisticated and less restrictive.

I have seen some thought in this direction from WTP which could notably allow us to stake and be involved in defi: https://research.sanctum.so/t/proposal-creation-of-liquid-voting-tokens-lvts/166?u=aro

I also suggested use of initial earnestness allocation to vote : https://research.sanctum.so/t/proposal-for-staking-of-cloud-earnestness-allocation/212

You get no ASR from JUP if you’re unable to vote for whatever reason so I suggested a system that allows delegation:https://research.sanctum.so/t/delegation-of-cloud-voting-power-possible-mechanism/216?u=aro

JUP unstaking is also fixed at 30 days, in my opinion there should be more options.

I hope whatever decision the team makes is flexible and gives more freedom.