Proposal Community Grant Pool

Vote Now Here:

:trophy: The time has finally come to close our Community Proposal Grant Pool submission (30/09/2024). :trophy:

Thank you for all our Earnest familia in Cloudopedia, from the bottom of our hearts, the amount of proposals, ideas and feedback coming in the past 2 months have been amazing!

Again, thank you to all the Community Pool Donaturs, you are truly Sanctum Aligned! Kindly message @Halfa (Halfa#4045) on discord again to re-verify your wallets as we’d like to give a bit of appreciation in our final post.

Update on Grant Pool: :up:
Proposals made so far: 85
Current Pot: Community Ops Wallet
Earnest individuals: 5,792.613 CLOUD
Team: 5,792.613 CLOUD
Total: 11,585.227 CLOUD ($4,946.89 USD)

What Happens Next? :next_track_button:
As the period for proposal submission has officially closed, all proposals created and submitted into will be included in the voting bracket of this Grant as of 30/09/24 23:59 PM UTC. This excludes all team related proposals.

Initially we had the thought to utilise CLOUD’s staking mechanism and weight to prevent any sybil voting. However, after consulting the team during Breakpoint SG 24’, we believe that utilising the voting poll mechanic in the forum will suffice at the moment, given our current available infra as staking has yet been implemented.

We’ve also decided to let the entire Community to vote on the matter as to decentralise the whole process, leaving no Cloudmen behind. :star_struck:

We will issue out a new proposal Thread (Please see Updated Vote Poll Here) that allows all Earnest Cloudmen to vote on your favourite proposals. The entire voting process will be complete within 2 weeks (ends on 15/10/2024 11:59 PM UTC).

The proposal voting selection will first filter out the Community-voted best TOP 10 proposals out there and this process will last for 1 week starting from 02/10/2024 00:01 AM UTC to 08/10/2024 23:59 PM UTC.

Those that are selected as Top 10 will be considered for the next round to select the TOP 3 Proposals that are going to be part of the Final Vote which lasts between 09/10/24 00:01 AM UTC to 15/10/2024 11:59PM UTC.

The weighting of the Grant provided is still subject to feedback from community, so please let us know here what your thoughts are on how we should split the rewards to the proposals that have won community vote.

Things to consider for your vote:

  1. Actionable - be it via community activities or possible for team development/integrations
  2. Benefits the most for CLOUD in terms of Utility
  3. Highest active community count and contributions
  4. Creative feedback, constructive criticisms of the UI or platform in itself as well.

Finally, the Top 3 Proposals will be announced in our next Sanctum Community Townhall #02, so be sure to tune in!

(p.s. do provide some feedback for Townhall #01 here:

That’s all the update we have for everyone this time!!
Be sure to vote as we have something fun in store for you who did :wink:

:earth_asia: THE EARNEST SHALL BUILD THE NEW WORLD :earth_africa:

:cloud: SANCTUM ALIGNED :cloud: