Discord link in the footer of website (elagabalx.io/) is invalid, and there is a typo in the word ‘Discord’. Please fix. Besides, are meme coins just dropped into each wallet, or do they need to be claimed? Finally, will there be an overview of what happened in each week?
Would be keen to know what your plans are if you had funds to further develop your proposal and potential plans for growth for CLOUD or your LST?
Seems like the choice is picking steam:
Check & Vote here
I love this, definitely think educating newbies is incredibly important.
Fixed! Thank you for your attentiveness!
We are currently developing the Magistratus DApp. So I think everything is in the future. Now our attention is focused on this.
Can you please share a link to the Zealy + Ubuntu pages you mentioned?
Separate topic: Users somehow should be informed when memecoins are dropped into their accounts from staking xSOL. I just received $19 worth of Mother Iggy, and first thought it’s a scam/spam, till I checked the transaction hash. Maybe via Twitter notifications?
You can find Zealy link on Xsol discord.
At first you need to install Git Bash, then on command promp type this
wsl --install
We announce about drops every week in our discord.
GM sir, I voted a couple times and active doing Zealy quests with xsol. I also stake xsol, sol, and many other lSTs and plan to HODL, but refuse to invite my friends and family because of the bs that I foresee if something goes south, plus I would rather them come to me if they are interested then it’s their choice. I’m telling you this because i appear like I’m not earnest and therefore don’t get the air drops for earnestness either. I was so disappointed with the community outrage regarding earnestness that I didn’t even take part in the $Cloud pre-sale. II felt sorry for the two guys delivering the message. I forgot their names but I think their hearts are in the right place which is why their hearts are in the right place and not going anywhere so I figured I would just HODL and hang.
I am pretty sure someone said to send SOL address for voting so here it is B2CKi9VRmc7Jkf2VqMrtHPBxg727GvbEyTmSqWs2coLM. I’m not sure if the second vote worked but don’t worry I’m not counting on a drop. I appreciate the fact you all even offered to give a drop for something we would normally do anyways like voting for our Sanctum Fam. I’m looking forward the things coming within this community. FYI, I split my time between $LINGO, $PQX, $SVM, $KMNO, Quasar pools staking Tia milkTia, with most my time at ElagabalX. I am earnest and so bullish on all things sanctum, but like a sleeper car none will really know.