Proposal for Profile-Based Governance Voting

This could help in its use for the Community Pool…

Some community members had issues with “The Whales will Win”.

Well, by rewarding the stake a multiplier factor with say…

  1. Research.Sanctum.So activity (The higher the more trust)
    Can even add Likes as a factor to further increase Earnestness Score
  2. Previous Socials Activities:
    Using the Discord, Twitter & Telegram activity count of users within Sanctum post-S1 End, as per previous Earnest Scoring.

This idea I can get behind if there’s the capacity for the team to integrate as to empower the Sanctum - Profiles IP and ability to grow MAU. This can pontentially increase TVL as adoption grows.

I think there are even more interesting cases of Utility for CLOUD propping up in the forums that we’d love the community to check out:

i. Ideas of a Futarchy:
The ultimate CLOUD utility: Futarchy Governance - $CLOUD - Sanctum Research

ii. Utilisation of LVT:
Proposal: Creation of Liquid Voting Tokens (LVTs) - Sanctum Community (SanctumDAO) - Sanctum Research

iii. ASR Governance Vote Mechanism:
[Proposal] Active Staking Rewards (ASR) similar to JUP - Sanctum Community (SanctumDAO) - Sanctum Research

iv. LST- Index’d ETFs:
[Proposal] Expanding Sanctum’s Infinity Token Ecosystem - Sanctum LSTs - Sanctum Research

i. Season 2 LST League:
Proposal [Cloud Utility Ideas] - $CLOUD - Sanctum Research

ii. Consideration of Locked Tokens Voting Power:
Proposal for staking of CLOUD Earnestness allocation - Sanctum Community (SanctumDAO) - Sanctum Research

iii. NFT-fication of Pets as LST (PathFinder):
Wonderland NFT Collection - Sanctum Products - Sanctum Research

iv. AMAs on LSTs:
AMA and New LST information - Sanctum Community (SanctumDAO) - Sanctum Research

Many of these proposals would benefit greatly in a fairer way to distribute votes accordingly, to the Community, to the Sanctum Aligned and Earnest.

^ Open to contra views to find a middle ground.^

@eggpanned @fplee @Alkine @cwchan