uptSOL - your leading dePIN LST

uptSOL is a liquid staking token to buyback and reward $UPT by UpRock, the leading mobile-first dePIN on Solana.

About UpRock.com: the people-powered data rewards network offering real-time data collection and global edge compute, transforming the internet into a real-time, queryable database for businesses, with unmatched scalability and performance monitoring.

uptSOL is also deeply integrated within dePioneers, the premier dePIN DAO.

About dePioneers: The first hybrid NFT protocol backed by a pool of the top DePIN + AI token projects, including uptSOL.

Earn more with this innovative dePIN LST by depositing into Meteora’s DLMM Pools:

UPT - uptSOL Meteora Pool

uptSOL - SOL Meteora Pool


UPT + Sanctum = :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Is there any benefit for holder besides $UPT gain?

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thats all you need friend.


Really love the uptSOL integration guys!

Keen on the further growth of your TVL and utilisation via your dePioneers :slight_smile: