When proposals have reached this category, they are ready to be voted on, bar minor changes. The point of commenting on the proposal should be to make your case to fellow Cloudfam whether it’s good or bad.
The governance process is as follows:
Ideas - [CLOUD - Ideas]
Anyone can share their ideas here for a proposal. No format required. -
Draft - [CLOUD - Drafts]
Anyone can put up a draft proposal on the Sanctum Research forums. It’s expected that this draft will be revised significantly based on community feedback.
This does NOT mean that anything goes. At minimum, the proposal must follow a standard-ish format. It should be concise and coherent. It should make clear why it is important enough to merit voting by the DAO. Proposals that do not meet a minimum quality bar will be deleted.
- Deliberation - [CLOUD - Deliberation]
For a proposal to move from draft to deliberation, it must have received an endorsement from either a member of the core team OR an individual with at least X staking points. For now, it is not in scope for the core team to build out a “staking point endorsement UI” – this would slow down our roadmap significantly. We will rely instead on off-chain verification (e.g. a member who has X staking points simply writes “I endorse this proposal” on the forum)
A proposal that enters the deliberation process should be “buttoned-up”. This means that it should be well-formatted and atomic (one single proposed course of action, rather than an exploration of multiple different options, as experience showed us that that is hard to vote on). Proposals that enter the deliberation process will go to a vote by default, regardless of the outcome of the deliberation, barring extraordinary circumstances.
- Voting [CLOUD-Official]
Once the deliberation process is complete, final (minor) changes to the proposal are made, and the proposal goes up for voting. No change here.