CLOUD-0: Should Sanctum change the logo on its website and socials?

It is just a pfp change, which usually will result in the checkmark removal for 1-2 days until they get verified again. But since this will be a 2-week change. It’ll happen 2x in a “short” span of time.

You do highlight a valid concern.

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Embodies my thoughts actually. Red in CT is not a good sign because it usually means something is bleeding, regardless of the arrow up.

I am OK with a pfp change, but without the red color. Market has a bad sentiment right now and we don’t need to send a wrong signal.


Not for me, I think the other one is more beautiful

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わー I said no, and then voted yes (futarchy is working :heart:)

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I believe you can buy $5 .122 and then sell $5 .122 and it will be a wash as well as get credit for voting. someone please correct if this is wrong

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This looks great. The logo is representing some aspects of the MetaDAO logo. This is what we want regarding the launch of the Gouvernance with this project.

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This governance looks like a total and very unserious joke

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voted yes. and I believe we have mockCloud before the tge so we could implement some test if team wants with faucet tokens.

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Don’t change the logo

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I vote yes.congratulations

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Just voted. I must say, I like a lot the whole UI you’ve built around the voting system. It makes things much clearer and easier. Good job, guys.


In Sydney they asked the public to rename one of one of the harbour ferries. They ended up with Boaty McBoatface. :rofl: I’m voting yes but I kind of wish the logo could have come from the community, trolling it would have got a lot of attention

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Don’t take this vote too serious - it’s just to get our feet wet. The logo will revert back to the original soon enough, I believe. I appreciate that we’re doing this sort of test vote to get familiar with the voting system. Bullish!


My vote is a big NO.

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my vote is no, because the current logo is very attractive and beautiful

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cool! great move for the first vote! red means brave!

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I hope this is just a test vote. I didn’t like this one.

This is indeed a test vote for people to get used to the system

Yes, this is just a test vote

Thank you for participating!

Futarchy is a “put your money where your mouth is” system so it requires you to put USDC or CLOUD on the line to affect the outcome

I would ask - is the amount of CLOUD you own exactly the perfect amount? Is there anything that Sanctum could do (e.g. shut down the core product) that would make you want to reduce holdings? Is there anything that Sanctum could do (e.g. adopt a new distribution strategy) that would make you want to increase holdings? These are the questions that futarchy tries to tease out


I vote yes for the new logo.