dicSOL: Epoch based lottery

The Degen DAOO is one of the oldest DAOs on Solana, Minting August 14th, 2021. The Degen DAOO is leveraging Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs) to run a no-loss lottery, designed to incentivize existing community members to deepen their involvement while attracting new members and LST holders. This lottery will operate on an epoch basis, generating excitement and encouraging adoption within the LST space. It provides a safe way for participants to embrace their “degenerate” gambling spirit without the risk of loss.

Guidelines will be set in place to ensure this will be a fair lottery system that can not be taken advantage of by last minute whale entries. A really exciting part of this lottery system is that there won’t be a guaranteed winner every epoch. The lottery pot will continue to grow in size with the amount of rewards coming into the validator. A certain amount of the rewards the DICS validator produces will go straight into the lottery pot.

We believe this LST can create a lot of buzz around the ecosystem with a no risk lottery system to encourage your inner degenerate gambling addiction without the pain staking loss of a memecoin rug.


Really cool idea and something I have been thinking about recently. A lottery LST that gives away yield to the winner on a weekly/monthly basis? I actually think for the sake of ease, a fixed duration in 10s would be easier for the sake of anti-gaming measures.
The idea would work that an epoch would take 10 days, and for every day you hold the LST you would get that % of the reward if you were a winner.
For example, epoch is 10 days, and you hold lottery LST for 5 days, you’d get 50% of the total reward allocated to you if you won.
We could go one step further and do this for hours/minutes so that even users entering on the last second of the final day can not game and still get 10% of the rewards.
I could go on, but you get the idea.
Perfect use case and would love to help you build out this product, feel free to dm on here or twitter!

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Sounds good, anything that takes away from the degen gamble meta where peeps can loose it all in seconds that we have is a good thing, no loss raffle could be the way to introduce that change :saluting_face: