How we can give more value to $CLOUD

After yesterday’s announcements from @fplee, there is a big opportunity to give $CLOUD more utility and value. How?

Additionally to governace and other utilities of the token, team can add another one, setting the $CLOUD up as the core token of the cloud card usage.
-Holders will can spend their SOL using cloud card and the tx can follow the swapping path SOL>CLOUD>spend.
-Besides that any fees that create from cloud card users can be paid with $CLOUD.

I think, if this is possible to happen, it will add more value to $CLOUD token.

If you want comment your proposals.


That’s a great idea. Would defs help with clouds future for sure

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So more like a dependency or requirement for users to hold $CLOUD?
Or do you mean a “behind the scenes” functionality, without the user even knowing?


Not sure this can work, vendors would need to settle purchases in a stable like USDT so the purchase into cloud would have to later be sold. All this would do is increase the volume of cloud not have any sort of positive for price appreciation. Thanks for the post!


I think the latter would


Exactly that SOL>CLOUD>STABLE something like this without customer even knowing.
If it possible I think will add some more value to CLOUD

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Does this create more value? Or just more on-chain volume?


This is exactly what it causes


Correct! Value is much different than creating dependencies. :+1:


Yes, this will can create some value because it will increase the demand for $CLOUD and volume too.

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Thanks. I’m just not so sure this project is one that wants to force value by creating a demand or dependency in this manner. But I could be wrong! Defenitely still an interesting proposition.


@nik4 I’m actually looking forward to that $cloud card concept… it will create more visibility, branding to the product.

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Could someone fill me in?

What’s the current utility of cloud?

Or what’s planned for future