I would like to propose changing INF ticker to INFsol.
I was trying to explain to a newbie what it is and he seemed confused as it why there is no sol next to the name.
I know INF is a LP token but it basically serves similarly the user as an LST when holding it.
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I’d say it’s fundamentally different. You stake $SOL with Marinade and you get $mSOL in exchange. You do it with SolBlaze and you get $bSOL. You can’t stake with Sanctum in order to get $INF. The $INF token is a basket of LST if you want, not an LST per se. Actually, $sCLOUD is more of an LST token than $INF is, because you actually do stake $CLOUD and get a liquid-staked token in return, $sCLOUD.
As for the name, I love it’s different and people know what it is. Changing a brand name is complicated and even for big well-known companies it takes years of marketing to do it smoothly.
My two cents.
I don’t feel like people know what it is. Yes I know the technical part just didn’t feel I should spend the time explaining it here.
That’s a fair point, and actually I already made that remark on the discussion of the actual vote. Although I don’t personally think that the token needs a new name, I do believe that it deserves more publicity and promotion.
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I think adding sol into the name would be great!
The following stuff I’m going to write, I am trying to put myself in the shoes of someone who is totally unfamiliar with Sanctum and INF, and would like to point out a few observations
Majority of LSTs have sol tied to their ticker. Adding sol to INF would add a layer of consistency in how LSTs are named.
Browsing the sanctum site, upon first glance, if I was a newbie, I would never know that INF is Sanctum’s LST.
It is listed under “featured” at the top of the page, but that is about it
When you scroll through the list, many LSTs have little tags saying if it is a validator, CEX, new addition, etc.
Most LSTs again have sol within their name
It isn’t until you see #73 infinity - and sol isn’t in the name nor are there any little tags to say what it is exactly
I think where I am going with this is that INF needs to somehow be promoted/marketed in a way that a complete newbie to Sanctum will know that INF is tied to Sanctum within 2 minutes of landing on the website
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Yeah you get my point buddy
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Yessir - wanted to say it should also be marketed more too on top of just adding sol to the name 
Ι think cloud 3 will help but not with newbie users. I agree with marketing too. Maybe also point out that many validators use incentives on outlr UI so infs apy doesn’t look that bad xd. On Jup it showed me that the apy was 10+ idk why…