The the 2 buttons available on skew the graph of any one of the 2 graphs(pass/fail) to other graph cause when you buy the vote of higher, it automatically skews the price of fCLOUD downwards due to buying of fUSDC which is equivalent to selling fUSDC and vice versa
So the solutions can be either redirect entirely to the MetaDAO website or give UI akin to metaDAO, where the user can see the token balance of all 4 tokens i.e. pUSDC, pCLOUD, fUSDC and fCLOUD
We can see this effect in the price of fCLOUD which is 40% lower than spot
We considered displaying the fail market on the UI, but concluded that it was simpler for the user if they only had to think about the “if if passes” condition
Can you think of a way to display both in an intuitive way?
I agree with @Proph3t2 - people are already confused enough with a new voting system they gotta get used to, and the last thing we need right now imo is adding more complexity to it, i.e., 4 prices on the chart instead of one. This is one of those situations where a right and correct approach will create more questions than give answers.