As subjectively i am sharing my opinion on which i wanted to see sanctum to be successful
We know the meaning of sanctum: A sacred or holy place
Sanctum Oasis [Liquidity Pool]:
- It helps to swap between tokens and helps to earn more fees and other tokens(maybe) which boosts both the protocol and also the users earnings.
- High liquidity in a pool reduces the price impact when large trades are made.
- LP help in discovering the fair market price of tokens based on supply and demand within the pool and makes it cost effective
Aegis Finance [Lend/Borrow]:
- Supports the users/people to earn passively and more effective
- This attracts liquidity providers who wants to earn interest on their idle assets(Which works similar to LSTs).
- Users can earn interest by lending their assets, which provides an incentive for them to participate in the protocol which boosts the protocol
- Leveraged Trading Opportunities:
- Why: This can be particularly attractive to traders looking to maximize gains, even though it comes with increased risk.
Haven Growth[Staking]:
- Staking and Engagement Platform Overview
Dual Rewards System:
→ Stake $CLOUD: By staking $CLOUD, users can engage in tasks related to various projects.
→ Earn Rewards: Participants will earn rewards from both the $CLOUD protocol and the associated projects, creating an incentive to actively participate and support multiple initiatives. -
Project Voting:
→ Support Decisions: Stakers can vote on which projects to support, ensuring that the community has a say in which initiatives receive backing. This fosters a sense of involvement and alignment with project goals.
Cross-Project Participation:
→ Token Integration: Stake $CLOUD and hold other project tokens to participate in quests or activities that benefit both the $CLOUD protocol and partner projects. This integration enhances collaboration and value for both ecosystems. -
Quizzes and Contests:
→ Weekly/Monthly Quizzes: Hold regular quizzes for $CLOUD and LST (Liquidity Staking Token) holders with attractive prizes, encouraging ongoing engagement and education about the projects.
→ Community Contests: Organize annual or quarterly contests, such as content creation or meme generation, where participants can submit their work to win prizes. Active participation is encouraged by requiring $CLOUD staking to enter, promoting creativity and community involvement.
- Staking and Engagement Platform Overview
My Opinion
→ I personally want sanctum to integrate other protocols and have multiple options for the user
Thank you for reading this proposal. I appreciate your time and interest. I look forward to your feedback and support.