[New LST Proposal] healthSOL

Did you know when you opened this page, approximately 28 people passed away because of chronic disease? [1][2]
It can be us, our family, or loved ones.

Majority of it has no symptoms, and even if we experience it mostly too late.
It devastates our life, both mentally and financially.

TLDR : Make LST that save lives, with super transparent charity growth and holder health benefits.
Get real life utility and change the world.

Nice to meet you in this proposal guys, I’m bengshark and I am a health clinic owner based in Indonesia. We start from 2019, and right now we operate 2 clinics. Sorry if the opening remarks get too scary, because that’s what happens with me and my family. My loved ones passed away because of undetected kidney failure, and that’s why I built these health facilities. I see hope in scaling the benefit globally with Sanctum LSTs.

Main problem in the majority healthcare system, we are too focused on Medicine 2.0, which tends to “fix” the problem. Not to “prevent” it.

That’s why we see some people get sudden heart attacks, even if they work out a lot and are in good shape. Trust me even if we survive the initial symptoms, living with chronic disease is far from “quality life”. No easy way to get Preventive Medical Interventions before it manifests, and it gets harder to access in lower economy households.

At the sametime no big entities take this problem seriously. Charity actually can make a good starting point to help lower income households. But like what our community discussed, today global charity is far from efficient and transparent.

We want to put world changing power to the most innovative and kind hearted people in CT, Solana Holder.

This is the first meta in the world, where we literally save lives just with holding SOL, get good karma for ourselves, and also get health benefits as holders.

We jumpstart this movement with our initial funds, and you can find the details here [3] :

Screen Shot 2024-08-14 at 23.24.08

Points of discussion

Initial Fund Flow

We will get sustainable inflow from LST Staking Rewards, and open it for the public with super transparent usage.

50% of the inflow will be used for the sustainable charity events, where we provide basic medical check ups, doctor consultation, and free meds.

Event costs will use this template

Team will iterate on how to get more and more people joining the health event to save as many people as possible.

Another 50% will be held for capacity building like purchase new equipment, and holder health benefits like free advance check ups, discounts, collaboration with other health web3 projects, pushing the roadmaps, and many more.

All outflow will be super transparent and focus on growing the initiative

Road Map

  • 1st Event :white_check_mark:
  • HealthSOL LST Launch
  • Consistent Monthly Event
  • Holder benefit available in Indonesia
  • Global Solana Clinics Networks (Make benefit accessible in foreign countries)
  • Improving holder quality of life and change health charity world


Personally really love positive reaction from you guys especially Halfa, he make this catchy tagline :
“saving a soul, 1 SOL at a time. healthSOL, your defi health charity partner”

This initiative is far from perfect and needs to be discussed more with the community. Will appreciate your input and personally I hope you will be with us in this journey. See you in discussion box!

  1. Leading Cause of Death Globally
    At a global level, 7 of the 10 leading causes of deaths in 2021 were noncommunicable diseases, accounting for 38% of all deaths, or 68% of the top 10 causes.
    Just for illustration purpose :
    39.000.000 x 38% = 14.820.000 / year
    14.820.000 / 365 = 40.602 / day
    /24 = 1.691 / hour
    /60 = 28 / minute
    The Burden of Chronic Disease - PMC
    The top 10 causes of death. ↩︎

  2. Even if we survive the initial symptoms, chronic disease tend to destroy lives because of the high treatment cost. ↩︎

  3. We are able to save a lot of money because I use clinics basic costs for this charity act ↩︎


Great to see this amazing initiative take shape! Yes, preventing health problems instead of just treating them is incredibly important, but it’s something taken for granted by conventional medicine. And since crypto users are already at an unconventional mindset, it will suit us perfectly. The new spirit being developed on web3 aims to treat people as humans once again, and not just numbers. When we help someone getting proper diagnostics, we are not only helping them recover faster, but getting them to learn more about themselves, about who they are, about the consequences of their habits, etc, and this is priceless indeed. To see crypto and Solana being used to serve the people is a huge leap that I didn’t see anywhere else, so I’m very proud to be at a place of such wonderous advances in mentality and inventiveness. I will surely be a holder of healthSOL, and since I also live in a country with a lot of poverty, if I can figure out a way to put this into practice around here, when the project is more advanced, I will do so. Congrats to you, @Bengshark for your good heart! :heart:


Great initiative! I’m really impressed by what you’re doing and fully support healthSOL. Your story is inspiring, and it’s clear your passion for improving healthcare comes from a personal place. Shifting the focus to prevention is so important, and I’m excited to see how Sanctum LSTs can be utilised in a unique way.

So will all of the yield from healthSOL be utilised by the charity and team? So the price of healthSOL will always remain 1 Sol? I’m sure there will be many users who will stake with healthSOL purely to support and contribute to the amazing work that you’ll be doing, but could be a good idea to think about different ways to also incentivise holders.

As we discussed earlier, I’m really excited about this idea and would love to help in any way I can.


Thanks Lucio! i think its possible to scale it to Brazil. Lets work on it together! :grin:

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Yup! it will pegged to SOL same way like fpSOL and BonkSOL. I’m thinking on giving APY, but it will be so small compared to other LST because we donate half of it :thinking:

About the healh benefit, do you have ideas what do you want to get from it Mith?

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Offering APR might be valuable, however could be unnecessary if the health benefits provided are compelling enough.

I’m not sure if the following is viable but here are some ideas:

In many countries, securing an appointment with healthcare professionals can be a challenge, often involving long waiting times and significant costs. Imagine if stakers could bypass these hurdles by gaining exclusive access to video consultations with health professionals.

Additionally, consider the idea of fostering exclusive, fun health communities for holders. For instance, a running club where members can share their daily routes, times, and milestones. This would not only promote physical activity but also cultivate a communitiy with shared goals.


Big fan of the potential for healthSOL and that bengshark already went to do free health screening without asking for anything from the Sanctum team.

I love the idea, but to make this proposal better I would like us to think about:

  • Can you distill down for us, if someone holds 1 healthSOL for 1 month, how many checkups does that pay for? How many lives could we save? This will help us quantify and shout to the greater audience.

  • How can we make holder benefits more concrete? The charity angle is certainly good, but most people would want to get something back for their support. This doesn’t have to be monetary (in fact, it’s better if it is nonmonetary). You give some examples like “free advance check ups, discounts, collaboration with other projects”, which are great, but given that your clinics are bound to Indonesia, this may not be suitable for the global crypto audience. Could we perhaps think about mail-in tests, or using Sanctum Profiles somehow (badges/social proof), or perhaps a private chat where people could potentially consult each other about health (and maybe with a doctor in the chat to field any questions – strictly in a nonprofessional capacity)? see below:


Great Initiative Beng. Loved your passion and effort here. I had a similar thought after reading the proposal what fp shared. How the benefits to holders can transcend boundaries since crypto community is global.

Some of the benefits can include:

  1. Private access to virtual zoom classes specifically to holders where yoga sessions or anything health related including diets, healthy lifestyle solutions can be discussed

  2. Bring accomplished health professionals virtually thru telegram chats, zoom etc via partnerships once we reach certain milestones in terms of holder count.

  3. Leverage the diverse community globally by exchanging ideas and best health practices among the community members so that everyone can learn from each other

  4. Collaborate with moonwalk fitness to come up with an event

Thanks once again for such a great and noble initiative


Brother this an awesome proposal and initiative. I would like to give an idea where the medical staff who participate in this monthly events could do like a quarterly AMA type where holders can tune in for a workshop about preventing measures and learn to recognize some early symptoms that normally people will not go to a doctor for. As you mention some people don’t even recognized their condition until is to late. Therefore, these workshops can educate HealthSOL holders and we could aslo help our love ones.


This idea of using yield for charities can be very effective, I’d say you’re right to consider building your area first. It’s easier to share photos that can somehow prove this authenticity of human-to-human contact, which is very important, and at the same time promote Sanctum so that there’s this affiliation.
To make it more global, it seems very complicated to do it alone, and your health and your time are just as important as the people you help.

I would obviously support the project, which seems a good opportunity to grow Sanctum’s community potential as the same time as improving the quality of life of everyone. :muscle:


Hi, folks. I read the proposal. I like that you choose this way to help people. If there is somebody in need, there will always be people who will help. I liked Health Camps where people could do some sport activities and parallel could be educated about taking care of themselves. I don’t think that if we hold some healthSol that we want something in return if we know that somebody needs more help than us who are holding some LST just for providing help. Nobody will stay poorer for sure. So if there is some way how I could be helpful just let me know. I am proud of you my cloud Brother.


Just chiming in to show support!

Really great initiative and a charitable effort in one of the most under-serviced countries for health purposes.

One thing I’d like to add is the accountability of the LST yield being utilised. I trust @Bengshark to utilise the funds correctly however, it is paramount to be transparent and having a 3rd party solution to verify said fund cost and expenses would help ensure that the charitable effort can scale over time!



Thanks Fp, Mith, and Begrime! Will talk this out with our medical team and get back to it soon! :partying_face:
Really thankyou for the refreshing benefit ideas!


Thanks Jd! Will hold a meeting with our med team about this! :partying_face:


Thankyou brother! We will explore other benefit ideas as well :fire:


Thanks Cho, definitely will DM you in discord for required support :saluting_face:


Really love this idea! Audit is a must to increase transparency value, but it often cost a lot of money, do you have any third party option that can help us? And what is the ideal time frame? (3 months, 6 months, or every year?)


Give me a bit of time to collate some potential co-working potentials or low-fee way to do so.

For now, I appreciate the openness to adopt such a transparent route. If it makes sense cost-wise to do so, it can only help healthSOL :slight_smile:


Really love the idea of healthSOL!

It connects decentralized finance with community reach out to save lives and benefit society. Please do provide some details as fp mentioned about the cost breakdown.

Think this is more than just about Indonesia. Would love to see this go global and even to developed countries that have ghetto communities where this could help a lot of underprivileged members and countries.


Thanks Soul! Actually the cost breakdown already at the google sheet, can you access it?
Its our first event and I think it can get more effective with more participant (cost per person can go down more)