Proposal Community Grant Pool - Voting Poll [CLOSED]

Community Grant Pool Vote Part 2 LIVE!

Vote Here :cloud::

Vote Part 1 has ended. Thank you for all our Sanctum Aligned members who have voted!

Community Grant Pool - Update :mantelpiece_clock:

This Thread :thread: is to culminate the 2 month Proposal Submission process and to select the Winner of The Proposal Community Grant Pool.

Please Select & Vote on the Proposals of your choice below based on the 89 proposals currently available in that was published prior to 30/09/2024 11:59 PM.

  • additions possible subject to team or cloudmaster (vote) approval :face_with_monocle:

We need your help fellow Cloudmen:

To choose up to 10 Proposals (for the TOP 10 Best Proposals) that you see fit for placement!

In the following week after 08/10/2024, we will be raising another poll to choose the Community’s Top 3 to win the Community Grant Pool (subject to feedback and changes from Community Feedback).

The thread is here to also let Proposal Makers the Stage to raise a case for their proposals to be considered and voted by the Community. This is also a thread where Earnest Cloudmen are allowed to shill which proposals should get the Community’s vote! So let your voices be heard!

Please keep to T&C outlined in FAQ during discussions:

Sanctum Community Proposals (Choose 20 or less) - in no particular order, due to limitations of 20 proposals on posts, we’re splitting the proposals to vote pages here:

1. Link 1
2. Link 2
3. Link 3
4. Link 4
5. Link 5

Currently there are 233 active registered users that are within the Sanctum Research (Cloudopedia) Forums:

That means that there are currently available 233 users who can vote on the matter! Would be keen to see new users participate in the DAO as well but I’m rooting for your votes too!

To move into this fun new chapter in this proposal, having been live for 2 months, it’s great to have seen the community grow and grass-roots initiatives be incentivised. We hope you would earnestly choose based on the criterias below, based on outlined:

  1. Actionable - be it via community activities or possible for team development/integrations
  2. Benefits the most for CLOUD in terms of Utility
  3. Highest active community count and contributions
  4. Creative feedback, constructive criticisms of the UI or platform in itself as well.

:checkered_flag:Let us know which ones you find interesting the past 2 months and looking forward to your votes! :white_check_mark:

A few highlights of the community growth so far from us:

  1. Creator Coins:
  2. Sanctum Community Townhall:
  3. Community POAP #01 worth 10 SOL?:
  4. Merchmen Assemble:
  5. healthSOL:
  6. xSOL:
  7. BP Highlights, fplee’s limelight:
  8. ISC DeFi integration:
  9. basedSOL - basedAPP (Cloud Card):
  10. FlojoSol:
  11. bitcoinerdaoSOL:
  12. VorldSOL:
  13. [Proposal] Active Staking Rewards (ASR) similar to JUP:
  14. We met the team + Community @ BP!:
  15. bbSOL 20% APY:

Finally, we’ll announce the Top 3 Winners during one of the Sanctum Community Townhalls in CLOUD’s CORNER with @Halfa and FINAL VOTE for TOP 3 will conclude on 15/10/24 11:59 PM UTC. As always, we are believing in Earnestness and want to see the community spirit here!!

Fun poll to do since you’re here already:

  • You are Earnest
  • You are not -not- Sybil
  • You are Curious
0 voters

Terms subject to changes but hopeful to build in the open

:earth_asia: THE EARNEST SHALL BUILD THE NEW WORLD :earth_africa:

:cloud: SANCTUM ALIGNED :cloud:


Congratulations to those proposals that have been selected from the First Poll Vote!

Below are your choices to choose TOP 3, and your runner-up choices of 7 Proposals for the Second Poll Vote!

That means you’re able to choose up to 10 and the highest 3 Voted Proposal will be chosen as the Community Favourite!

Choose (Min 3, MAX 10)

Voting Ends on 15/10/2024 11:59 PM UTC

(Proposals are listed at random using a Random Number Generator based on highest vote + internal account checks. For previously double counted prelim votes, was aggregated and weight counted. Votes where triple checked for accuracy)


It’s finally here! :cloud:

We want to congratulate the TOP 3 & Runner-up 7 proposals that have made it thus far into the Voting Polls for the Community Proposal Grant!

We are currently tallying up the votes and ensuring that all numbers are correct!

After several discussions with donaturs and earnest community members, here is the finalised allocation distribution of the Community Pool:

Initial calculation was to make it more of a competition and TOP 1 get the most, however, in the spirit of Cloud Pump Cloud (CPC), we’ve gone to change it to a more distributive pool - so that

:cloud:No Cloudmen gets Left Behind:cloud:

So final distribution is:

60% to TOP 3
Distribute CLOUD equally amongst Top 3.

40% to Runner up 7:
Each Proposal distributed CLOUD equally.

This way we can incentivise as much proposals that have community following and initiative along with funding current work by earnest individuals and teams within the community.

We do hope that we would see progress in these Proposals and for team to consider their relevance in support of Sanctum via feedback/integrations/initiative due to community popularity.

The current Grant Pool can be tallied up here:*

Current Pool:
Total donation from community:
18,470 CLOUD tokens

Total Match by Team:
18,470 CLOUD tokens

Total for Top 10 Proposal Distribution:

36,941.28 CLOUD ($16,623.57 USD @ $0.45/CLOUD :cloud:)

Such Earnest, Much Wow

We will be announcing the Winners of the Grant Pool at Earnest Community Townhall #02 :mega::

*Process of distribution will be discussed with Proposal Makers and Sanctum Team. Distribution of CLOUD in the pool would be made at a later date once wallet details and allocations are confirmed.

Hopefully this Community-led Grant Pool will incentivise further growth within the Sanctum Ecosystem. Spur more grass-root initiatives and proposals and set an example of what we can do as a community! :two_hearts:

As outlined previously, the funds distributed are left to be used however the Proposal Maker sees fit! Keen to see your Earnestness shine in Making CLOUD GREAT!!

BY the Community FOR the Community.

:heartpulse: Sanctum Forum Growth - DAO Matters :heartpulse:

Now let’s talk about a bit on our DAO metrics. Hoping to spur community engagement, its promising to see individuals participating in the voting process, despite not having a formal on-chain governance OR EXPECTATION OF REWARDS on voting/donating.


Our Cloudopedia has grown from 233 users (October 1st, 2024) to now 424 users!

An 81.97% increase in just 2 weeks!

Welcome new CLOUD familia!

Before (01/10/2024)

After (16/10/2024)

The final Vote Part 2 has seen 119 users coming back out of the 122 that voted in the first poll. A
96.73% return and attention retention, indicating low voter burnout for this campaign.


First Vote Poll:

Second Vote Poll:

Though this means actual active participation within this ad-hoc Community-led proposal is just a 28.57% of the total users within Cloudopedia, we find it rewarding to see even newer accounts becoming more active within the Forums.

Shoutout to:
@lochie2001 (as always lol)

For being particularly active in the forums in terms of Replies, Read, Likes & Views. Your contribution towards the discussion is appreciated very much!

:trophy: Earnest of the Day
We wanted to acknowledge our fellow Cloudmen, those who have been there throughout the process of this 3 month old proposal. We love you and appreciate your time and effort. Your belief in:

:earth_americas: “THE EARNEST SHALL BUILD OUR NEW WORLD” :earth_asia:

Has been outstanding! So Shoutout to:

Unfortunately there is a limit to how many people we can tag here -literal forum limit-!

But to all our active Cloudopedia members that we have not mentioned here, we salute you! :saluting_face:

To wrap it all out and to leave no one empty handed, we are announcing a POAP NFT giveaway for those who have VOTED and/or those who have DONATED into the Community Pool!

Sneak Peek on the NFTs

I’ve Voted NFT:

Donator NFT:

We will also be actively messaging all Voters here in Sanctum Forums to ask for your wallet details to send the NFTs!

One of these Greythorn Cloudmen will be contacting you via the Forum Message:

Alternatively, you could message us at GreythornAM with your SOL Wallet Address!

Please note that since this is a manual process, it will take awhile for us to collate, sort, mint and send the NFTs! Your cooperation & patience is much appreciated :love_letter:.

That’s all from us and we do hope you love the journey and friends we’ve made along the way!
It’s just the beginning fellow Cloudmen!

See you at Community Earnest Townhall #02! (20/10/2024)



Going to be updating something at end of Poll Thread


Pertamax :rofl: thanks for setting this up @Halfa will do my best to share it to 233 members!

  1. reserved to say HEY FAM! Keep voting :green_heart:

It is what it is~

For ya’ll who haven’t voted yet, check out my vids here:

Ramblings of a Cloudman pt1:

Ramblings of a Cloudman pt2:


Voted for healthSOL (among other contributions). Glad to see to the Sanctum community being so vibrant.


Me too I voted healthsol


I just wanted to take a moment to truly appreciate everything that is being accomplished here. This voting marks the culmination of one of the most meaningful initiatives I’ve been a part of in web3 - something I couldn’t have imagined being involved in not long ago. It represents a significant leap forward, elevating all of us to new levels of participation, community building, governance, and so much more! I’m genuinely amazed at how naturally and organically it all unfolded. What we have before us is direct democracy, and that means real democracy! I can’t wait to see it grow and spread to many other areas of life.

Immense gratitude to @halfa | @GreythornAM for bringing this vision to life! This is yet another pivotal step in shaping our Sanctum-aligned, earnest new world! Let’s vote and make it flourish!



voted sers !

proposal for sanctum lst dashboard
inf storage, cloud staking


How long until you get voting rights on here?


Two of my favs as well!


Thank you for voting!


Rule of Thumb is to get to be a ‘Member’ of the Forums.