[Proposal] Community Games/Events around Cloud and LSTs under its umbrella (ela, ela, ela)

I saw the Vote for CLOUD/INF and this “Maintain strong adhesion to CLOUD”…

So I thought…

How about community games to engage with:

  • all the communities with LSTs on Sanctum
  • other communities outside Sanctum

The benefits:

  • This would increase engagement in a fun way. I know some love to engage and stay connected this way.
  • Would make outreach easier. (warm-up cold leads :stuck_out_tongue: )

What would these games look like?

Quick Quizzes hosted inside Discord. These can be related to LSTs, CLOUD, etc.
Browser games, like Poker.
And even games as Apex Legends, Halo, Counter Strike, etc.

Valorant included?

Tho not everyone would be able to do specific games…

I think one idea is to use Moonwalk…

Say maybe put 1000 CLOUD in Moonwalk vault and then users are able to be as fit as @fplee .

Here’s their project web:

Greythorn’s did one with Solana ANZ last week, it was fun :slight_smile: keeps cloudmen healthy and Aligned :smiley:

Sorry. I just got informed by my cat:
Volorant is banned.

I think games without rewards/incencitives won’t work. if you want to engage the community something material must be the catch.
If you choose to try it, I suggest you to create some educational quizzes about sanctum and LSTs.
Is the better way you engage the community in games and educate it simeoustanesly.

I agree.

That is why I haven’t mentioned any rewards.
I think, at least for most games, there shouldn’t be a $ reward.

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games with rewards may be give some temporary engangament at community BUT if the team educates ppl about LSTs via these games and attract ppl to put their SOL to work, only then this decision (games) will worth it.
Only profit engage the community, teach them how to earn with LSTs and you will have a strong community.

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Any new updates w/ regards to this proposal? <3