Proposal Community Grant Pool [CLOSED]

To incentivise and hopefully grow Sanctum Alignment within the community, we’ve proposed a “Community Grant Pool” to be distributed to the Best Proposal Campaign, details as follows:

As mentioned on Discord, we at Greythorn have pledged 500 CLOUD and an additional pedge of 1000 CLOUD have been collected from Earnest Individuals in the community (thank you Zion & Chancery Knight!), with a total of 1500 CLOUD to be utilised for this campaign.


The team has mentioned to match any deposit into the initiative 1:1! So if you would like to be Earnest and contribute towards this initiative, do deposit and the team will match! Let’s make the pot even bigger!

Funds will be collected into the Community Ops Wallet:

So here’s the Rundown of the Campaign:

  • The campaign will last for 1 month to ensure all potential proposals are looked at.
  • The voting will be subject to governance vote - so we also have to wait for staking mechanism on CLOUD or governance is turned on or as Team sees fit.
  • Additional deposits into the pool will be tallied and provided to the Winning Proposal, post-voting.

To outline the details:

  1. Proposal is to be published in Research.Sanctum and voted by CLOUD holders. Depending on the amount collected, we’ll either have 1 winner or Top 3 awarded the CLOUD tokens.

  2. The purpose is to incentivise early attention into our governance initiatives & have proposals/feedback that can lead to future growth in Sanctum.

  3. Proposals that are considered will be related to (and subject to Team & those who took part in depositing CLOUD):
    i. New LST creation & ideation (or maybe a meme idea!)
    ii. New DeFi integrations (LP, Lending, etc) that you’d like to see & why
    iii. Community Outreach - Merch ideas, Listings, Feedback on Sanctum
    iv. Proposal on the Utility of CLOUD token & Possible new Integrations to new Partners

This is also to incentivise those who missed the :cloud_with_snow: airdrop by incentivising activity on the sanctum research forums to kickstart governance.

If you got too little CLOUD or missed it entirely, now’s your chance to get it!

If you don’t know what to write, tell to a friend! Who knows he might be Sanctum Curious and have great ideas!

Don’t know where to start, here’s some ideas on proposals available now:
Vote for CLOUD/INF Pool Incentivisation for S2 & S3

Prop up a proposal and get em’ voted! :cloud:

SANCTUM ALIGNED :sun_behind_small_cloud:


A Final call to the Proposal Grant (Proposal Community Grant Pool - #7 by Halfa) as the last day to submit your community proposal for consideration is today! (31/08/2024)

Though would love your feedback, cloudmen… whether we should extend this to the end of September 2024! So far the activity has so far reached its mark, with many community members coming into the research forum and contributing be it via their own proposals or providing feedback to current ones! THANK YOU FOR BEING EARNEST!

Proposals made so far: 42
Current Pot: Real-time Scanning Tool for Solana Network
Earnest individuals: 5,606.0736 CLOUD
Team: 5,606.0736 CLOUD
Total: 11,212.1472 CLOUD ($3,076 USD)

Since we are finally closing the submissions of all proposals to consider, again, we thank you to all the community member feedback, proposals and ideas out there! From the wildest to the most possible to integrate or even active already at this moment! Again, the criteria for selection can be found here, with further below criterias as consideration:

  1. Actionable - be it via community activities or possible for team development/integrations
  2. Benefits the most for CLOUD in terms of Utility
  3. Highest active community count and contributions
  4. Creative feedback, constructive criticisms of the UI or platform in itself as well.

Moving forward the next step is to await for the Governance module to be activated - seeing that this will only be activated most likely post-Breakpoint , we’ll await for voting to be possible to select the Top 3 Winners (via onchain vote ) that will get the share of the pot!


Vote Now Here:

:trophy: The time has finally come to close our Community Proposal Grant Pool submission (30/09/2024). :trophy:

Thank you for all our Earnest familia in Cloudopedia, from the bottom of our hearts, the amount of proposals, ideas and feedback coming in the past 2 months have been amazing!

Again, thank you to all the Community Pool Donaturs, you are truly Sanctum Aligned! Kindly message @Halfa (Halfa#4045) on discord again to re-verify your wallets as we’d like to give a bit of appreciation in our final post.

Update on Grant Pool: :up:
Proposals made so far: 85
Current Pot: Community Ops Wallet
Earnest individuals: 5,792.613 CLOUD
Team: 5,792.613 CLOUD
Total: 11,585.227 CLOUD ($4,946.89 USD)

What Happens Next? :next_track_button:
As the period for proposal submission has officially closed, all proposals created and submitted into will be included in the voting bracket of this Grant as of 30/09/24 23:59 PM UTC. This excludes all team related proposals.

Initially we had the thought to utilise CLOUD’s staking mechanism and weight to prevent any sybil voting. However, after consulting the team during Breakpoint SG 24’, we believe that utilising the voting poll mechanic in the forum will suffice at the moment, given our current available infra as staking has yet been implemented.

We’ve also decided to let the entire Community to vote on the matter as to decentralise the whole process, leaving no Cloudmen behind. :star_struck:

We will issue out a new proposal Thread (Please see Updated Vote Poll Here) that allows all Earnest Cloudmen to vote on your favourite proposals. The entire voting process will be complete within 2 weeks (ends on 15/10/2024 11:59 PM UTC).

The proposal voting selection will first filter out the Community-voted best TOP 10 proposals out there and this process will last for 1 week starting from 02/10/2024 00:01 AM UTC to 08/10/2024 23:59 PM UTC.

Those that are selected as Top 10 will be considered for the next round to select the TOP 3 Proposals that are going to be part of the Final Vote which lasts between 09/10/24 00:01 AM UTC to 15/10/2024 11:59PM UTC.

The weighting of the Grant provided is still subject to feedback from community, so please let us know here what your thoughts are on how we should split the rewards to the proposals that have won community vote.

Things to consider for your vote:

  1. Actionable - be it via community activities or possible for team development/integrations
  2. Benefits the most for CLOUD in terms of Utility
  3. Highest active community count and contributions
  4. Creative feedback, constructive criticisms of the UI or platform in itself as well.

Finally, the Top 3 Proposals will be announced in our next Sanctum Community Townhall #02, so be sure to tune in!

(p.s. do provide some feedback for Townhall #01 here:

That’s all the update we have for everyone this time!!
Be sure to vote as we have something fun in store for you who did :wink:

:earth_asia: THE EARNEST SHALL BUILD THE NEW WORLD :earth_africa:

:cloud: SANCTUM ALIGNED :cloud:


may create a Categories and Topic for this? Grouping them would help a lot later in review/vote phase


Can more than one person work on any single proposal?


This is a good idea @mapmap , What type of categories are you thinking of?

1 Like

Yeah, essentially the proposal will be rewarded to said user. So you gotta split the reward amongst yourselves.

If you have different proposals to post, I would say do so as well~

Keep in mind that the post needs to be of quality and should actually contribute in growing Sanctum in one way or another.


Thanks so much for this initiative! Should we post our proposals here as a reply, or create a separate one? Perhaps a “Community Grant Pool” category?


Please disregard. I just went ahead and created a separate post. Proposal: Creation of Liquid Voting Tokens (LVTs)


Great idea - definitely something to consider as we are probably missing out on many votes from people that don’t want a 30 day lock.

The hardest part about this is if someone votes the minority their vote does not show, however I am sure there can be a work around.


ok i’m sending in 555 Clouds because we’re all human, double it! xD

also its what I can afford atm.

hope there’s more exposure about community grants moving forward into season 2 and a place on the sanctum ui to tip this fund in small ways:

maybe people can delegate a % of their LST apy? to go into buying back cloud for the community DAO!!!

that’s be awesome, empowering community developments and activities


This is great. Feels like something Sanctum should incentivize as well.


New Proposal


I also contributed for the same reason @nftttc on 𝕏 said in his article - I think it’s worth a read:

@nftttc article: what is contribution

contribution: “something that you contribute or do to help produce or achieve something together with other people, or to help make something successful.”


Sanctum Aligned! :cloud:


I love this…


The world we build should ideally be a non-zero sum, where all parties that are contributing in terms of building this world are rewarded…

Not because of a forward expectation of massive capital rewards (maybe a little bit is fine) but more towards having this naive belief that we can build something better than what has came before us, to build castles in the CLOUD that withstand time.



Hey everyone! Just added some more $CLOUD to the campaign! I deposited 117.71 CLOUD, which is exactly what I received from my Wonderland capital allocation! It’s awesome to think the team will double it up! Here’s the transaction :wink:

This is yet another small but sincere way for me to thank Sanctum for everything they’ve done for people like me. After so many life efforts that often go unrewarded, their recognition has been life-changing.

I just wanted to share a thought: Regardless of the amount collected, I believe it would be more democratic to split it across multiple proposals. Selecting just one seems too limited, especially considering the number of great proposals out there, each covering different areas!




Hey @luciotamino SANCTUM ALIGNED!

I agree, at this point I believe that the pot is sufficient enough for a Top 3 distribution. If the allocation increases to a larger amount, we would be able to add a “runner-up” category for each proposal type (i.e. LSTs idea, Cloud Utility, Governance, etc).

As you pointed out, so far I’ve also seen a lot of quite interesting ideas and am starting to personally have a hard time deciding… If the rest of the community would like to pivot to a more distributed allocation towards the best proposals, would definitely be open to that.


Hey Halfa, ALIGNED indeed! :sparkling_heart:
Yes, increasing the number of beneficiaries will definitely help broaden the spectrum of fronts we can cover. After all, we’re part of a project that’s expanding its horizons, and spreading the benefits across more initiatives and categories feels like the right approach! It’s not just about the amount, it’s also about the recognition and the impact we can create together, as this is a brainstorming process where all of us have a place and importance, not just the “winner” :wink:


Hey Halfa, just sent my capital allo (68.83 $CLOUD) to the Pool, thanks for the initiative!!
Several categories could work in the distribution in order to benefit the great ideas that have been shared in the forum, looking forward to it, lemme know if I can be of any help!!




Thank you for donating into this @Deiro

Be on the lookout for an update regarding this community proposal soon~