[New LST Proposal] shelterSOL

shelterSOL (definitely need a better name)

I was passing by a street few blocks from home and noticed a MASSIVE pet store that wasn’t there before and also noticed that 1 block from there another pet store (much smaller) and it hit me.

¿How could this smaller store compete with the bigger store without compromising and offering lower prices, lowering their margins (the bigger store could do that too in the meantime)?
I have always been an underdog kind-of-guy, ¿aren’t we all a little bit? (underdogSOL?) I do not think the bigger store is a villain and they both come from people that must like animals and try to offer products that could benefit them. However due to bigger infrastructure and probably bigger funding, the bigger store can probably lower their prices for more time than the smaller one and that’s allowed, just market competition I guess?

There could be something there that LST’s could solve (smallerStoreSOL?)

Instead, I pivoted and thought of a way that we could help those animals that really need it.

Introducing shelterSOL, a LST that anyone can put their SOL on and support local (or global) shelters that often struggle with help from government and rely on donations to keep functioning.

shelterSOL details (and I am open to suggestions too):

  • ¿Are you a shelterSOL holder? ¿You are traveling for work and no one can look after your loyal friend? Bring them to one of the shelters and they will be taken care of and meet many new friends. ¿Or maybe you know a friend that has this problem? Any animal that shelterSOL holders need help with will be taken care of or even better yet, invite your friend to hold shelterSOL too!!
  • Fund adoption campaigns and help these lovely animals find a home.
  • You choose how much you want to support these shelters (1-9~% of the APY goes to them, ¿¿is this doable??)

Simple concept I believe but something about it that makes it feel right. Would love to get your hard feedback. Thanks for reading <3


As an animal lover myself i love this initiative. It would be amazing to find a way to get this going. I suggest the name Paw-SOL or Woof-SOL haha


Interesting concept, I think it would be very difficult to implement however I like the idea of having an LST that donates. CharitySOL where holders get to vote at the end of each month on which charities are distributed staking rewards?


Thanks for the feedback!!
I really liked Paw-SOL haha


I feel you, a LST like this would need some people who run shelters to be sanctum aligned or curious at least.

charitySOL sounds cool, multi-sig and monthly deposits would be really cool to have


maybe a slightly different take, and one that could maybe be run/collated by selected/voted on community members and could form part and be incorporated into governance, a Santum charityLST (SanctuarySOL? )where IRL beneficaries are put forward and voted on for a donation from the fees, could be a small local pet store, a pet santuary or help fund a Vet at a local zoo, fund a guide dog for teh blind that sort of thing


Love this idea, PawSOL is better name I think like @Jdd0810 mentioned :laughing:
Where will it start?


Was thinking about a “Cause Coin” for helping animals. I like this idea.

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