Proposal Community Grant Pool - Voting Poll [CLOSED]

If you had to choose 10, which ones would you vote on?


HEALTHSOL FTW lets goooo


I like the idea of having double utility for the Cloud token. Either staking and geting inflation back or, preferably, a Jup DAO style. Use LST partners to provide rewards for staking and voting. Id like to encourage long term holding. Maybe Youtube intoros of new projects.


This forum needs serious work. I just found out about it a week ago and since then Iā€™ve been looking everywhere for the vote page. If I wouldnā€™t have come across a comment in another topic then I wouldā€™ve never found it. Why is there no tab or shortcut for a dedicated governance section?

Also, I try to stay up to date with everything Sanctum because I have a major 5 figure stake in the project yet somehow I didnā€™t know about this and somehow Iā€™m always late to hear about community spaces. At this point I think we need an LST to build a better mobile app that includes social feeds and notifications.

We also need more youtube content, I found 1 video from 5 days ago and the other most recent a search came up with on youtube was 3 months ago. I have 21.7K YouTube followers and right now Iā€™m going through a rebrand so I wiped it but Iā€™d be happy to add Sanctum content to my homepage in order to get more eyes on it if people will actually make it.
Screenshot 2024-10-10 123129


There is a lot that is getting worked on. Thatā€™s why we are all here. Thanks for joining!


Adding more of the episodes here for archives, take a look at previously reviewed proposals here:

Ramblings of a Cloudman pt3 (IRL Meetups):

Ramblings of a Cloudman pt4 (@defikingu Futarchy):

Ramblings of a Cloudman pt5 (@cory flojoSOL):


Letā€™s give some love to healthSOL folks


Yeyyy, the Cloud ramblings are back.

Welcome back my brother.


We agree,

The forum needs an upgrade to how the layout is at the moment and iā€™m sure @eggpanned has thought about something.

At the moment this Community Grant is ad-hoc. We made do with whatever solution is available to the community to spur up Earnestness. Please do give more feedback in relation to if we ever do this type of pool again in the future!

Also, for your YT channel, its great that youā€™ve shown initiative to want to cover stuff on CLOUD!

Weā€™ve done a few Ramblings of a Cloudman Series (posted in this proposal as well under comment section). Would love your take and content on what is currently available.

Also, there deffo will be content to cover post-Townhall #02!

Would love to see your initiative and take on it :smiley:

As @fplee mentioned to @Jdd0810 and @Bengshark on Townhall effortsā€¦

Just do it


healthSol is real Real World Assets


Congrats all, and gg for the top 3 proposals ! Glad healthSol is there :partly_sunny:


Voted. I hope the results will be satisfactory.


Voted, excited to see how this all pans out!

5 Likes is a super cool proposal, hope it wins!


facts, but I think season 2 sanctum will solve alot of the transparency issues. probably due to on site ui hopefully. i missed the first vote and im on daily :sweat_smile: also clicking to read the props navigates away, should open a new tab, simple things like that to make it simpler and better.


Iā€™m really hoping the season 2 site has gov and forums built in, it would be infinitely more intuitive that way. Iā€™m also hoping we have a proper mobile app via Android and iOS. Itā€™s a pain having to use a wallet browser to access.


Hey, thanks for being here! The Sanctum project is still very young. Be patient my friend. There are many good things to come! :star_struck:

Also, feel free to create a proposal here for any of the features you mentioned, and join us in the Sanctum Discord server, if youā€™re not already. There is also live discussion around growth there. Cheers fam!


Awesome community, so glad i found the tweets about the voting


My ā€œWonderland NFT Collectionā€ proposal and the ā€œTownhallā€ and ā€œCloudie.soā€ proposals have been so close in the voteā€¦ Itā€™s practically a tie!
If mine ends up in 3rd place, Iā€™d like the reward to be split between these three proposals!


I second that sentiment. If cloudie gets the 3rd spot I will split the reward with the Townhall and Wonderland NFT Collection proposalsā€¦ or work together with the full pot, since we are pretty well intertwined in what we do. :green_heart: :pray: