As most have probably realised, it will be difficult to reward earnestness how it was in S1. Going the same route will be difficult as people are now aware of it, and possibly trying to “game” earnestness for Wonderland 2. I think we as a community can try communicate and share ideas of how the team can possibly make earnest users rewarded. Naturally these ideas should be ones that are impossible/difficult to take advantage of for anyone who might wish to “game the system”
I had one suggestion on this topic that I shared in the discord, but figured it could be a better place for further discussion here. Also would welcome other ideas of “non-gameable earnestness” that could be important to implement.
My personal suggestion was; Include retroactive EXP/points for S2, aka retroactively credit people for holding Sanctum-LSTs from S1 end up until S2 launch.
This was done for S1 (EXP for LST held prior to S1 launch) and I think its one of the most effective way of protecting Wonderland 2 against mercenary capital.
Protection against a scenario where mercenary users is attracted by what would be a higher airdrop-farming-yield (due to shorter real EXP earning duration), and therefore also protection against earnest capital being diluted and resulting in smaller airdrop.
Person 1: Holds 100 INF since S1 end (lets say 6 months) and gets 0.01% of S2 airdrop)
Person 2: Holds 100 INF since S2 start (lets say 3 months) and gets 0.01% of s2 airdrop)
One user holds for twice as long, but they both receive same airdrop in the case of no retroactive EXP.
Now to what I think is possibly most problematic, in a scenario where Wonderland 2 seasons is announced with no retroactive points/EXP:
Person 3; Sees previous capital locked doesnt count, deposits 100,000 INF for the duration of the season to capitalise of the fact that S2 airdrop yield is higher due previous held TVL*duration not counting towards S2. This big inflow from Person-3 then also results in both person 1 & 2 now a smaller share of S2 airdrop (dilution by mercenary user).
I think everyone would agree its very fair to reward people for the duration held since S1-end, and arguably the simplest way of mass-rewarding earnest behaviour. I dont imagine its too complicated to do it from a technical standpoint considering it was already in place for S1. Also important to include defi-EXP (at least for more popular dapps) retroactively in that event, as I imagine more people have explored defi opportunities with their LSTs since S1 end.
Thats enough of my yapping. Keen to hear if anyone disagrees, and more importantly I hope to hear other non-gameable approaches that can be done to reward “capital-earnestness” / limit mercenary behaviour in S2.