[Proposal] Podcast - Townhall [CLOSED]

Many already proposed a possible utility for Cloud. Personally, one of my favorites is the DAO ASR approach.

However, my proposal is more for a community engagement, getting to know each others, and continue growing together.

I would like to propose to have a weekly (or at least bi - weekly) Podcast or townhall. The idea is to have this conducted and broadcasted by the members in the Discord. I suggest we have topics to discuss as: Current Sanctum/Cloud announcements, integrations, newest LSTs, and everything Sanctum/LSTs/Solana.

Additionally, we could add a segment where @Begrime800 provides the community with current macro economy news and other financial events. Moreover, we will have a segment called “LST Spotlight” where each podcast session, 1 LST operator and their team will come to discuss their project, explain their goals, and take questions from the community (I propose @Bengshark to be the first one to come up and talk about Health-SOL) and kick thing up in a positive note.

Lastly, adding a final segment call “cloud’s corner”, a segment dedicated for a member to come and share their story, how they got into Sanctum, goals, vision, etc. I believe this will create unity in the community and solidify the members.

This is just an idea and looking forward to everyone’s suggestions, changes, add ons, or removals.



Great input bro. If the townhall will be conducted by the members of discord (assuming without team), so the idea is to have this townhall more like a discussion forum wherein members discuss their thoughts on Sanctum/LST and then provide feedback to the team?


Thanks for the feedback bro, yeah something like that. A podcast format and have a group of members be moderators, control the channel, and then planning who and what will be air the following session.


Makes sense. It will also provide the opportunity to the community to drive the project forward. Love that!


GM @Jdd0810 and thanks for your proposal!

MonkeDAO has been doing a weekly town hall for years, and I have fond memories of some really exciting moments!

It would be great to find a host for the town hall—do you have anyone in mind, or would you be interested in hosting it yourself? I also like the topics you’ve highlighted for the community call:

  1. Discussions about Sanctum/Cloud news
    2. How about adding a segment to discuss an ongoing proposal live?
  2. Introducing one (or more) Cloud DAO members
  3. Having one (or more) LST operators pitch their projects

I’m not a big fan of the ‘macro-economy’ segment, as it seems unrelated to Sanctum in my opinion. However, it could be worth having a dedicated weekly call for this topic, as it’s interesting and might attract an audience.


I agree. I think keeping the numbers separate to some extent will leave less room for anyone to get sour if things are not performing up to their standards.

Having discussions in this format can open the door to onboarding new members as well. I think it can only help growth and adoption.

Otherwise, I think this is a great idea. There are some other communities I frequent who are doing this successfully in one way or another.


Great idea! It would surely connect the community on an even more personal level, and as we’re learning, truly getting to know the project and its members makes all the difference in how it resonates with us and strengthens our bond. You’d definitely do a great job as the voice of the Sanctum community!

But don’t ask me to be a speaker :sweat_smile: haha. I’m not so great at talking to crowds, and my spoken English isn’t nearly as good as my writing! :melting_face:


Hello and Thank you for taking the time to read and reply.

I am fairly new to the ecosystem, so I would love to see our mosr experience and knowledgeable members hosting this opportunity to get it started on a great note.

However, as the interest increases as well as attendance, we could continue to re-structure and have different segments run by different correspondent.

I am definitely also excited with this idea to have our LSTs operators who are with Sanctum give their perspective and have a little AMA.

BTW, a segment to discuss ongoing proposals would be a great addition within the Evrrything Sanctum segment.

Thank you again.

Looking forward for the next step :heart:


Thanks for the feedback. The idea is to onboard newbers regardless of knowledge and experience. Therefore, it could also be tailored on a educational capacity.


Hey brother,

Thanks for reading and providing feedback.

I believe this make it more personable and even thou we are online, still adds that human factor.



We could include a 5 minute ecosystem education (EE) segment. Just a thought.


great idea, some ama ideas were floated in one proposals (probably more :grin:) so seems to have some legs

we need not necessarily stick to one topic, could be educational, could be a mini macro slot when the time is right, it can explain some of the way the market moves, in nice simple terms, help explain some of the jargon etc

having guest LSTs speakers would be cool too, and of course surprise hop ons from the team would be great too

all for it, helps break down barriers, alittle bit of some thing for all over the weeks, education for newbies, some defi for more knowledgeble, guests could be LST providers, could be defi platforms



Thank you for the feedback.

That other AMA proposal before may have been me :rofl:

I just changed up some things. I love your idea of have a variety of topics and keep it spontaneous but still having a structured. I am a big fan of your idea having the suprise hop on from the team.

Thanks brother for taking the time to read and providing feedback.



This is such a positive proposal! An opportunity to really connect this community like never before. Something happens when you talk “in person”…see someone’s face (if they choose to), or share some live banter/personal story.

Members will experience an increased drive to participate and use their creativity to take Sanctum to the next level! I think members will be surprised at how approachable the high level earnest cluds can be. This will also help everyone feel at home and gain trust for the future of Sanctum :raised_hands:

I mean, its amazing to me that you have already visited my family’s business in Iowa. Now that is some REAL connection which has come about through Sanctum…pretty damn cool. Imagine how much closer the community will become with this podcast/townhall experience.

Exciting stuff, thanks for proposing this J.D.! Can’t wait to watch it come to life :beers:



Thank you for rhe feedback and the kind words. I completely agreed, having that human and interpersonal factor shows that we are all normal people behind the discord. We are people with ideas, genuine care for one another, and push ourselves and the community to be the better version of ourselves.

Also, it was awesome when i got to visit your home and see your family, it was a unique experience. Thanks again for the support and all the kind words. I will love to see become a reality as well. We have a lot of great memebers and the community continue to grow steonger, the team are the main reason we have this amazing culture. :heart:


excellent proposal, this will add impetus and enthusiasm to sanctum ecosystem and help sanctum community to grow and expand across solana ecosystem. With this townhall meeting or virtual conference, there will be visiblity and various topics like season 1 , and now, initiatives, new development, future plans can be put forward. May , I suggest, this can be held once in 2 months and should be max 2 hours . Need to have precise short and crispy presentations to evoke interest and create excitement by some entertainment. excellent points suggested by many good sanctum team members .


Thanks for taking the time to read and provide your feedback. I think it will also add the value of interpersonal inter actions :heart:


Hey folks! This is a great suggestion and something I’d love to participate in. If we can find someone willing to try and be the host, that would be amazing and we can get this out right away.

We should start small, maybe only a 30 minute session for now. I love the idea of spotlighting community members as well as new and interesting LSTs, and of course core contributors will have updates too.



Sir, this means a lot to me.
Thank you for liking and supporting this idea. I have never hosted something like this before, but under the right guidance I’m up to the challenge.
I also want to share the preliminary agenda that I have in mind. I think it would fit within those 30 minutes. Furthrermore, I believe it would be great to have this townhall within the the Sanctum Discord.

I also recommen @Begrime800 as the co-host for this space, he has a lot of insight.

S.C.A (Sanctum Community Aligned)

  • Openning comments (host - welcome, purpose of the space, agenda)
  • Words from the creators (Sanctum Team: FP will get us started)
  • LST Spotlight (Marcus from xSOL said he is up for the opportunity and be the first one)
  • Know your Clouds (one community member come to the stage - we could bring up @Bengshark to be the first one)
  • Q&A Session (Host collects the questions from the chat to LST and/or Community member speaker) then ask them in this session.
  • Closing comments (Recap)

Suggested time: Sundays at 1600 UTC.

Note: for the community members and LST Spotlight we can make a weekly poll so the community chose.

This is just a preliminary idea sir.

Thank you sir for always believing and empowering the community. :pray:



Great agenda bud! Lets get the ball rolling.

Onwards and Upwards :arrow_double_up: :sparkles: