[Proposal] Sanctum's Future Roadmap

  1. Sanctum DAO: Many have already provided their inputs in this area. So, I would not like to repeat the same thing again. However, I would like to add that Sanctum DAO can take the lessons from Jupiter DAO and implement it for LSTs with the similar mechanism. The bar for launching new LSTs should be kept high in terms of minimum number of votes and time frame for new LSTs launch. The LST market has become a crowded place now with new LSTs that have launched after S1 haven’t seen much adoption. In such a scenario, Sanctum should make sure that new LSTs that launch through Sanctum DAO should be one or two at max for each launch and the timeframe between two launches should be at least 3-4 months. This would ensure new LSTs get sufficient limelight and adoption. There is no point launching too many LSTs in short time frame that see no real adoption from communities.

  2. Market/Macro Insights: Sanctum should create a dedicated discord channel or feature on site wherein market/macro insights or knowledge can be shared by community experts. Since everything is connected with macro, it would be great to have such information shared with community members so that they are better informed and engaged. From my personal experience, I have seen a lot of interest from the community members whenever I have shared macro information in the discord.

  3. Educational classes & exam on LST: Keeping Sanctum vision in mind to promote LST economy, it is important to create classes on LST to drive awareness and adoption. Many crypto people are using LST now but very few are aware of the mechanics on how LSTs work. If we could come up with LST classes or threads or lessons on LST (James Hanley whiteboard posts can be used here) and have community take exams on those classes thru zealy quests (quests should only be used for exams), it could really promote the importance of LST and adoption. In the end, successful participants can get alumni role or some certificate/NFT on the same. As crypto is moving towards mass adoption, there would be many folks that will enter into crypto for the first time. Having such a course will not only drive engagement but also promote LST usage among new folks.

  4. Discord Games: Having fun games such as poker, quizzes on solana ecosystem, brain teasers will continue to keep community engaged.

  5. Weekly connect: Weekly calls with community will provide more transparency to community members on the Sanctum activities. This would also help the Sanctum team to get real time feedback from community and answer their questions as the project progresses.


Initial reaction is, its too early to judge, with the launch of Season 2, people will flock to the new LSTs and more people will get involved again once wonderland kicks off. There could already be a place on the Sanctum website itself, but i’d love to see a kind of explorer of LSTs with vision statements, it’d be like a grid setup to fit lots on one page kinda like NFTs on Tensor. Each has their image and title and maybe a short one liner, you click into it and it pops out (doesn’t navigate off page) to give you more info about it, their vision and live api metrics and stuff. Sorta like shopping for validators on cosmos is abit easier.


Agree but I believe adoption shud be sustainable for long term and not only during wonderlands


Absolutely, just saying Season 2 will bring people in and what you’re saying are good steps to build a home for them once they arrive.


This proposal has a lot of different components which aligned with Sanctum vision and presents an insightful roadmap.

  1. The idea of having a DAO strufture similar to Jup and establish a minimum staking power, gives a genuine opportunity for serious potential users of these LSTs while preserving the integrity of the voting mechanism. Furthermore, by giving a trial period to a conservative amount of LSTs to be launch (2 or 3 LSTs per a 2 to 3 month cycle) allows for the familiarization and understanding of each LST. Also, it will reduce that overwhelming feeling of not knowing what to chose from by having a reasonable time to try it out.
  2. The macro financial briefing had being well received within the discord community and allows for a one place shop to promote well inform financial decision. Hence the benefit to have this as a stand along option so it doesn’t get buried in the general chat.
  3. The educational component is a very important aspect of the adoption of these LSTs. I think an educated community will promote a larger adoption and understanding of their benefits and rewards.
  4. The games not only makes the community more engage but it also creates a cohesive environment and a way for new commers to feel more welcome.
  5. Lastly, the weekly connect (Cloud-Connect, lol) enhances that transparency, promotes interaction, and gives a human element by interacting with the team. A weekly LST spotlight could be integrated here too, so we get to know, ask questions, and better understand information, from the LSTs devs themselves.

This is a great proposal with a long term effect.


Thanks bud! Appreciate your feedback:-)


Thanks. Appreciate your insights fairy :slight_smile:


From your initial point number 1, what do you think would happen if there were 3/4 new lst’s ready to ship at once? I guess there would be a protocol developed in order to decide who gets to launch for that timeline which you propose.

Definitely love the idea of a educational offerings. Being rooted in education will only drive safer adoption. New users can safely refer friends to learn about the products before they dive head on.

Who doesn’t love some games and brain stimulation!!

Thanks for sharing your ideas @Begrime800 :pray:t3:


thanks begrime

think everyone knows my thoughts on the education aspect by now!! its a no brainer for more adoption and to safely onboard new users to the LST arena

Yes the LST arena is getting more crowded and for me thats a good thing, more diversity, decentralisation and drives innovation. Whilst yes could be said the take up of those launched after S1 hasn’t been spectacular (for want of a better word). Again I would point to an educational route to improve this, Community Calls across a number of platforms (YT, X, DC Townhalls etc) with any LST providers that wish to take part (upcoming, new and old alike), your suggestion of weekly quizzes around LSTs could maybe play a nice part in this area too.

Personally not sure if i was a wannabe provider that i would wait 2-3 months to launch, but sure there can be more of a structure to it (as a thought maybe for example every 2nd or 3rd Monday they get launched, and coupled with a set of community calls to promote them) (they what to launch sooner? sure but it costs a bit of CLOUD :grin:)

“The bar for launching new LSTs should be kept high in terms of minimum number of votes and time frame for new LSTs launch” forgive me if i got this bit wrong, I read it as though you suggesting each LST that wants to be launched via sanctum is put to a DAO vote?

Again forgive me if i miss-understand, for me there is already a process to go through via the team before launch, and would like to think that process would weed out any issues and potential reasons not to move forward. A DAO vote whether to launch or not potentially puts up a potential barrier/gatekeeping to the LST realm via Sanctum to potential LST providers could be a bad thing imho, sure launching via sanctum has benefits, but also they could, with a little research and knowhow launch on their own. We want to welcome as many as possible with open arms and do our part as a community to help them thrive


Thanks, Dan. One can easily launch 3/4 or even more LSTs as one wants. However, the idea is to restrict the number of LSTs per launch to drive sufficient limelight and adoption with each LST.

On one end, one might feel that we would slow down the launch of LSTs while on the other end, we want to ensure that launching new LSTs drive sufficient adoption to them.

Else, we might end up launching too many LSTs with no sufficient adoption across many. In my view, the goal should be met of launching new LSTs. Else, there is no point launching new LSTs imho


Thanks, Johnny. Appreciate your insights bud. We can also follow the steps that you mentioned to make sure each LST gets adoption that are launching thru Sanctum. This is important for both Sanctum and LST getting launched. There is no point launching too many LSTs in short time and suffer from adoption. Still the LST market is dominated by Bonksol, Jupsol, hsol. So, whatever it takes to bring awareness and adoption on other LSTs would be good for entire space.

Additionally, I am of the view that Sanctum DAO will consist of community staking their cloud to vote on new LSTs that want to launch on Sanctum. Currently, it is not being done but in future, this is one of the use cases of cloud token which fp also shared in the bybit call. Hence, I provided proposal keeping this in mind.


With respect to market/macro and education, this is an area I would love to potentially get involved in for the community. I think community driven research initiatives (perhaps incentivized in $cloud) should be considered. Maybe even a peer review process from high-earnest community members or SMEs on the team.

A robust community-sourced research engine becomes a positive feedback loop for onboarding new wallets and growing the markets for LSTs.


Awesome bud. I like your idea. Would love to see something executed on these lines soon.


I think between yours here, plus bengs and ry’s, a footprint for a educational group drawing from all 3 could be achieved, bringing some really good education reesources in the process and over time


Such exciting concepts. Love hearing that high earnest community members are pouring efforts back into education. It just makes sense!

Future Sanctum members will have an immediate advantage through superior LST knowledge with these budding initiatives. Can’t wait to see them come to fruition🔥


Thanks Bro. I am also looking forward to see such an educational initiative executed soon.


Thanks for quoting John! Really agree with Begrime too.

Especially love the number 4 Discord games. Maybe using Pathfinder discord scheme on “Mochi” can be fun ways to do things.

They give currenct “Mochi” for people who are active or doing tasks.
“Mochi” can be exchanged for discord nitros, physical object like gundam, or maybe BreakPoint ticket?

Will be a good way to keep community engaged!

Instead of Mochi, we can use new term on this like cupcakes?


Yup bro. I agree. As long as we are able to keep the community engaged in discord through fun initiatives, I am all in :slight_smile:


yeah, the mochi was fun for the few i did, and yeah my personal preferance would be for cupcakes not to be used towards XP going forward, they could fit into the educational bracket too, complete an education task (quiz, small tutorial with a few questions) to earn a cupcake or 2

  1. sanctums dao about new lst for somebody will be to complicated. If i understood right that there will be no open source info about new upcoming lst or i just missed something. The dao could be great about different things for example (S3 needed or not, new protocol addys, special roles or not.)
  2. I really like your macro/micro recap because not always i have time to check all 20 sources and end of that make conclusions. So my man LFG.
  3. Educational classes are always good. I think not everyone can dive deep in this space and understand the crypto space terminology because we all come from different spots of the world we all have different knowledge about all this crypto stuff. I know that a lot of people understand better with visualizations or for example i understood some things better from @fp podcast. I like that u guys take things in both hands and let this knowledge be accessible in different forms. I think there could be nice zealy quests, BUT i really liked how Intract made some Quests. You got question and like 10XP for answer, if u answered 1 time false u can get now only 5XP if u answered 2 times false then u got 0 XP. I think this is the best way how to do exams because then the end score will be different for sure. This will make challange on another level.
  4. Games games games. Who doesnt love games.? I think this is also a good part for the community. Because i see that in the time from S1 end and S2 start people gets boored. We need some activities. Cho cho +1 for games.
  5. Cumulonimbus Call :joy::joy: sounds better. All clouds together makes Comulonimbus Cloud.
  6. I am not Shakespeare but these are my thoughts. Big L for LOVE