The Cloudie Emoji Clan: Boosting Community Engagement

We are in the midst of a Cloudie revolution in the Sanctum community, and I’m here to share how it all began and to introduce the family to those still unacquainted. Call it a Sanctum Community Emojipedia, if you will! Stick around till the end for an exciting proposal!

It all started with Clud, created by @Manboy. He pulled Clud straight out of his crypto wallet and shaped it into its present form. For a while, it stood alone - the godfather of the entire Cloudie Family Clan.


One day, I overheard a conversation between J.D. @Jdd0810 and NYSoul, saying we should have more emojis, and I volunteered to make one. Don’t ask me why, but the first idea that came to my mind was a Thunderstorm Cloudie. It could represent impetuosity, boldness, energy, brainstorming, mischievousness, and much more. I went ahead and created it, making my first emoji ever. Shortly after, the Pathfinders’ Titan’s Wall WL NFT artwork was released, which really resonated with my art - and I was really fascinated by it. I was also surprised to find that I could upload the emoji to the Discord server myself, for being a server booster, which gave me the push and desire to make more!

Peeps liked Thunder Cloudie, and NYSoul asked me to make a Middle Finger emoji directed at scammers and bad actors. It had to be fun, not too serious, and they gave great feedback to help me finish it.

We then decided to turn all the Wonderland pets into emojis, and so I did, and the Sanctum server suddenly had tons of emojis that carried with them all the great memories of Wonderland! Next up, J.D. already had a gem of an emoji up his sleeve: Super Saiyan Cloudie! But it needed some refinement, so he handed it over to me to improve and finish it.

J.D. also had another brilliant idea in mind, which would become a great symbol uniting us in our CLOUD reverence and community vibe: a Raised Hands / Diamond Hands emoji with Cloudie at the center. Creating it wasn’t an easy task, but the result surprised me with its deep meaning and aesthetics. Art can go way beyond the artist’s initial intentions, and that can make it even more profound and special. Now, I’m also transforming this symbol into something more, that will be revealed soon. I praise J.D. for this incredible partnership and vision!

@DanikaHollandaise then requested a Juggling Cloudie (since he juggles himself), and NYSoul asked for Beer Cloudie. Both turned out nicely, and the community loved them. People even saw Juggling Cloudie as a representation of Cloudie juggling all the different LSTs - a sign that these symbols have a life of their own and can carry deeper meanings and interpretations.

When I saw j @eggpanned appear in the chat one day, I had an epiphany: a Lisan al-Gaib Cloudie! Or even better, Lisan j-Cloudib, hehe! j was crucial during the Wonderland quests; his messiah-like persona fit perfectly as he appeared to help and bring good news. This emoji holds a lot of meaning too - it can symbolize strong action, decision, adventure, leadership, and more. It evokes the most impactful scene, where the protagonist inspires the people with a powerful sense of purpose and unity. This also opened up a whole new category: Personal Cloudies that represent us, the community!

Next came Heart Cloudie, requested by @zionatlas - simple yet powerful, and probably the most beautiful one I’ve made. @Bengshark requested Coffee Cloudie, which was another hit! Most of the emojis I made were community requests, which is precisely what makes them powerful. People know what they want and need far better than if I tried to decide everything on my own.

One of the most important turning points in this story started when @n8tr0n appeared with his Rocket Cloudie. I was mesmerized by how impactful it was, and would have great use in the community! He also created an amazing Puking Cloudie, haha. @cho, who is also an artist, then joined in with a Ban Hammer Cloudie, an even better symbol to deter bad actors. And almost simultaneously, Tiggles created the coolest Cool Cloudie! At that point, we were many; the clan started to flourish. It was pivotal to me when they all mentioned that my creations inspired them to start creating too.

For the Community Townhalls, envisioned by J.D., that I am part of, I’m using the Cloudies to illustrate the announcement banners and Cloud’s Corner slides. I’m realizing more and more just how versatile, powerful, useful and meaningful to the community the Cloudies can become, with so many uses and potential!

When people saw Danika’s big mustache at the Townhall, it sparked a lot of fun in the community - people thought he was a she before, and he played along with it, haha. Both he and I have the bright-pink fp’s boobies Discord role, and as we got to know each other, we discovered a shared interest in nature and birds. So, after all the community commotion, I made a Mustache Cloudie inspired by him and added a bird of prey to represent his previous work and passion.

The next Cloudie Family Member would be @fplee himself, with his amazing custom Pathfinder pfp, and I asked for n8tr0n’s help to make sure it was as good as it could get. Then, I worked on Bengshark, one of the community’s most prominent members, a friend with a great heart, with his fun chocolate-hungry shark / doctor persona. While I was finishing it, cho posted his own version of Beng, inspired by healthSOL. They complemented each other very well, and I could even see a parallel with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Dr. Health and Mr. Beng! haha

Meanwhile, n8tr0n and cho continued creating amazing Cloudies. Picking up on the personal emojis idea, n8tr0n created a begrime800 Batman and cho also created a zionatlas Cloudie. n8tr0n started using the emojis for his designs on the website. His Learning Cloudie is genius - literally! He also created my own Cloudie-self, which I’m very grateful for.

n8tr0n applied to create the mariSOL Creator Coin, a Cause Coin to help fight parental abduction, as he hasn’t seen his daughter in years. His story deeply touched me. I created his Cloudie - a cool dev guy with his loyal dog companion holding a little Mari Cloudie picture.

@Halfa also just brought us a pleasant surprise: he showed Laura, the art designer from Greythorn, our emojis, she loved them, and started creating her own parallel collection! She really got carried away, and the results are incredible:

Recently, I finished creating Cloudies for two people I admire a lot, who have become great friends of mine and are incredibly important to this community: J.D. Cloudie, the family man with his wife and little angel, and Halfa Cloudie, the Egyptian Greythorn Monkey Voting Manager!

Now, I also really want to create a Cloudie for Cho, along with a Praying Cloudie and a Sweat Cloudie, as I use those emojis a lot. I’ll update you when they’re ready!

I also wanted to highlight a piece of art that, while not being a Cloudie, predates them and carries a lot of community love. Before Creator Coins came into existence, they started as an experiment by fp lee, who launched his own fpSOL LST. Holders of 1 fpSOL could join a private Discord channel and received the playful title of ‘fp’s boobies,’ hehe. In that space, Mithelen (Warymith) felt this LST needed a Wonderland Pet and created Boobie. Later, wassa gave it a little revamp to make it even more fitting, haha!

Recently, Mithelen also joined the Cloudie Creator’s gang, in the most awesome of ways, he created not only Cloudie Artist, but also an amazing banner and tweet, with one emoji by each Creator so far (from left to right: Manboy, JD, Laura, Tiggles, Warymith, luciotamino - me, cho, n8tr0n, wassa). So proud of what we’re bulding together!

After all the engagement Mithelen’s post generated, we had a lot of new creators join us! And we got two amazing Cloudie emojis from Pathfinders’ artist muimooi, whom I already admired, so it was an honor to welcome them into our Clan! The talking leaf character, Chiha, from Pathfinders’ lore, carries profound meaning as a pivotal nature spirit. It’s refreshing to see it mash up with the Cloud concept.

After all this time, n8tr0n made an incredible archaeological discovery: while browsing through cw’s X, he found a post that simply contains the Genesis of Cloud(ie). Titled “13 Circles”, it reveals how this genius piece was engendered, consisting of circle upon circle! It has even deeper implications than we ever imagined, tangling dimensions! The hidden truth unfolds before our very eyes!

– Boosting Community Engagement –

I want to see more community members engaged in building this Clan! And I’d love to see more of us get their own personal Cloudies, made by their peers. So if you want to create a Cloudie of your own and need help in any way - whether you have just a raw idea or need assistance uploading it to the server - reach out to any of us! We already have some plans and ideas on how to bring even more people in! My NFT Project / Proposal, the Community Townhall Initiative, and the proposal are also tied to this!

Halfa earnestly donated 500 $CLOUD for the creation of the Townhall #04 POAP NFT! Afterwards, we received an additional:
500 $CLOUD from Mithelen
200 $CLOUD from JaunePomme
100 $CLOUD from andrewsaul
60 $CLOUD from Hipnox, who donated his Jup ASR allocation
60 $CLOUD from Dohn Joe
55 $CLOUD from shinkiro14
50 $CLOUD from an anonymous earnest member
Plus, my proposal for a Sanctum NFT Collection ranked among the top 3 in the community vote, providing funds to put into motion a Sanctum NFT project. Therefore, I’m contributing another 500 $CLOUD to the grant pool, bringing the total to 2025 $CLOUD!

Instead of making it a competition, we’re thinking collaboration! So, here’s what we propose:

  • The POAP art will be a collage of different Cloudie Emojis created by community members, with their usernames included in the NFT’s description.
  • The exact outcome will depend on the number of participants, but initially, the idea is to have one or two emojis per person in the final POAP art.
  • The closer the emojis are to the original Cloudie style, the better, to maintain consistency, but there is also room for experimentation and creativity.
  • The image should have a resolution of around 1000 x 1000 pixels or more. A template can be found here.
  • Using AI for this can be tricky, but the final result will determine whether it will be accepted as a valid Cloudie Emoji for this project.
  • The $CLOUD donated will be divided among the participants.
  • Current rewards pool is at 2025 $CLOUD
  • The deadline for submitting your Cloudie Emoji will be 10 days before Townhall #04. The exact date is still open, but for reference, I estimate it will take place around late November or early December.
  • The emojis can be submitted to me by DM, posted on the #artnmemes channel on Sanctum Discord, or uploaded on the website.
  • Personal Cloudies will have a special place in our hearts!

In the end, we’ll have a whole new batch of emojis plus a collaborative artwork and NFT - all made by the community - marking the time when The Age of CLOUD began! This will be an incredible opportunity to create amazing things together and help us take our community-building even further!

Creating things that are so meaningful to the community and seeing all of you use the emojis every day is indescribable. It makes me feel like I’m always there, a permanent part of the community. All of this has helped us unite even more, getting to know each other’s motivations, stories, creativity, and personalities. I want to thank everyone who is a part of this in any way!

Cheers, my fellow Cloud brothers and sisters!

POAP result update:

The Cloudie Emoji Clan initiative and sanctum nexus podcast ep. #04 were a great success! We now have a total of 18 artists who have created a Cloudie, and 9 earnest members who generously donated to the initiative. All contributors were featured on the POAP, which was minted by 168 attendees. The artwork was created by me, with contributions from n8tr0n. Here’s the final artwork:

The 2025 $CLOUD rewards were split between 15 community members and already distributed (Laura & Greythorn forfeited their part, cw, as a core team member, also didn’t count hehe, and carwoz donated his part to cho, who had a setback recently and needed support). Thank you all for contributing, and making this initiative truly Sanctum-aligned!

Since this project began, the website has really flourished! It beautifully organizes all the emojis, alongside everything connected to this initiative, and showcases many other aspects of the Sanctum Community, such as the Sanctuaries meet-ups and more. Be sure to check it out!

Also, I got so carried away with this that I made a video as another culmination of the project. I hope you have as much fun watching it as I did creating it! Haha, cheers to everyone!




@luciotamino well done, such a well writen proposal, have 100% PPP mindset, and personally it makes me emotional because of the emoji comes 100% from the community remember when team make design competition? It feels more creative and PPP in this proposal!

1000% into this and I’m willing to donate cloud too :green_heart:

To the infinity emoji and beyond!


My favourite, they are all awesome! I love this concept to boost comm engagement



This is a great way to engage the community and have them personify the townhall with their own creativity as well.



Yeah, brother, let’s bring them all in here!



by @cho
by @Tiggles


This me rn, trying to learn. Great work!


We are building out complete learning courses on Hopefully we will be launching that section in a couple weeks. Stay tuned!


Such a poignant post! Wonderful tribute to the humble beginnings of Clud. Congrats @Manboy for bringing this character to life.

This is beyond cool though, another perfect examle of how this community respects each member, takes time to learn about each other, and has fun together. Such an epic idea that we can each share our dear Clud’s experience as living within sanctum discord forever :sweat_smile:

Many thanks for this write up, and proposal to take it to the next level! Can’t wait to see who will pop up as a clud next :sunglasses:


Great Initiative brother. Love the idea and PPP mindset :clap:


This is pretty amazing, I appreciate the efforts for putting this together.


Thank you so much for your words Beng!
Yes, I think we can get to much greater results helping each other out!
And I’m honored to accept your donation to this project! It’s great to be able to give something back to the community, for their efforts! :heart:


What a fantastic journey of creativity and community spirit! It’s amazing to see how something as simple as emojis can carry such deep meaning and bring people together in such a fun, collaborative way. The evolution of the Cloudie Family is truly inspiring, and I love how each Cloudie reflects not just artistic talent but the heart and soul of our Sanctum community.

Thank you for sharing this history and for inviting all of us to be a part of it. The personal Cloudies and the upcoming collaborative POAP NFT sound like such incredible ways to engage and unite us even more. I can’t wait to see what new creations emerge from the community. You’ve truly sparked something special here, and it’s a joy to witness and be part of.

Cheers to many more Cloudies, and to the continued growth of this amazing family!


Really interesting memories. Thank you Luciotamino for this Post. Thank you Manboy for being the key :key: for this emoji engine. This cooldown time between seasons is really productive filled out. Its nice to be supportive hands for this project in different ways. Big L for LOVE.


Wow these are dope!!!


Amazing idea bro. Ill get started on my emoji design now. :art:


I already know I’ll be using the middle finger one a lot :nerd_face:

These could really get mainstream traction like the pudgy penguins are on Facebook and WA via Tenor


Everybody is welcome to be a part of this whole artistic world. We love, teach, and appreciate every single individual who wants to create something that will stay forever in this ecosystem.


Loved every single part of this post, Sanctum community truly is great <3, I’m glad i get to be a part of it


Cloud meme? :eyes: Culture & engagement will be out of this world