A Sanctum MMORPG - By Sanctum, For Everyone

Hi! Fellow Sancties, you’ve probably seen me on the twitters and telegrams once or twice, but most recently this tweet below, and as soon as I tweeted it out, this idea got me thinking, and I just couldn’t stop thinking about it.

This forum thread will tell you:

  1. What I believe can be done to bring this to life, and why it should be considered seriously.
  2. What I believe are possible caveats to making this happen (dw, the list is rather short, and mostly depends on how we’d approach the execution)
  3. The costs regarding such a thing and various modes of financing this as a community
  4. The longterm benefits of having such a ‘product’ in the Sanctum repertoire

-------------------------------- | I The Idea & The Tweet |------------------------------------------------

It all starts here :point_down:

The more I thought about it, the more it really ‘clicked’.

Why wouldn’t Sanctum have it’s own MMO?

Well, I gave it a thought, and decided to write a few musings on the topic.

So, I got to the proverbial whiteboard, in the back of my mind, and decided to list off a few reasons why this would be a GOOD IDEA, why it would be a BAD IDEA, and some miscellaneous stuff on HOW TO MAKE IT WORK.

Ready? Let’s go

-------------------------------- | II The Good Stuff |------------------------------------------------

  • MMOs were a funnel into cryptocurrencies, it resonates strongly with the ‘older’ crowd.

Most people have encountered Bitcoin, one way or the other, as a means of sending money when virtual goods were involved where PayPal faltered or was simply not available in one’s country of residence. Granted, Bitcoin cost dollars, if not cents back then, but many had at least heard of cryptocurrencies through the MMORPGs (such as ones I’ve listed in the tweet above). A lot of us have spent time in our formative years in these MMOs, in their forums, and sharpened our creative claws by making content related to those games, shared ‘alpha’, screenshots, and good vibes, with the friends and memories we’ve made.

Sound familiar?

  • It’s much cheaper to make something like this now.

Self-explanatory, what once required teams of engineers and lots of electricity, has gotten much cheaper. The technology has advanced since the mid 00s, and the server costs of running an MMO have gone down massively thanks to computing power

  • The game would be part of the Sanctum brand, but not a “crypto” game

Just as Sanctum reinvented the wheel with a unique aspect and focus on sustainable tokenomics, a ‘paradigm shift’ of sorts could be done here as well.

Don’t make it a ‘web3’ game.

Don’t integrate anything into it, other than the logo and visuals, that would let your average joe know this has anything to do with cryptocurrency.

Keep it pure, keep it retro, keep it Sanctum branded, but not crypto-oriented.

This makes the logistics much easier to manage, as whoever is helping start this up, wouldn’t have the cryptocurrency overhead projects usually have.

  • Bringing Sanctum to people who are not waiting to get onboarded into the casino, dexscreeners, coingeckos, etc.

Self-explanatory. A meeting point of casual people looking for a vibe, and us more initiated ones looking to ‘destress’ for half an hour or hour, at a time, from the trenches. Having a game, like this one, brings brand awareness. It’s ‘on-brand’, but not ‘on-brand’, if you get what I’m saying?

-------------------------------- | III The Bad Stuff |------------------------------------------------

  1. Takes time and energy to set up and delegate the roles (if we want it 1st party, rather than contracted)
  2. Costs (we’ll get to this later)
  3. Requires moderating and input from the core team, at least in the early days, which deters from the main focus and revenue streams.
  4. Ultimately, could be interpreted as a shift in focus from Solana DeFi, rather than as an extension, which shakes up investor confidence.

-------------------------------- | IV The Costs |------------------------------------------------

I’ll be honest. I have no experience in running a game server of any kind, and my knowledge is that of an armchair psychologist - I just know they’re down a lot from what they probably were 20 years ago.

However, I also know that CREATING an MMO, even with all the tools, programming languages/improvements, and AI generated art and abundance of cheap Fiverr art, would take time and effort.

Therefore, I’ve thought of 3 distinct ‘paths’ that could be taken in executing this;

  1. The acquisition
  2. The greenfield investment
  3. The collab

This is the part I want YOU, the READER, to focus mostly on.

Ready? :point_down:

[1 The Acquisition]

Simple idea, and the one I vote for. The premise?

There’s a LOT of dead, defunct MMOs.
No, seriously, there really are.

The owners of the IP are (if not defunct or merged/acquired thrice over) most likely doing nothing with it, and would love to make a quick dollar by selling the property rights, if the price is right.

However, one should do some window shopping and find one that has:

  • The game code and ideally someone from the original team keen enough to work on it, yet again, as they know it best, and would be incentivised to.
  • “Clean” and succinct ownership history and legal matters solved (lest we get sued by someone who ACTUALLY owns the rights to this), this requires finances as well.
  • A theme that fits the Sanctum vibe. You don’t want to go for something extremely off-brand and pointless.

The cons of this approach are the fact we’d have to haggle with someone, I assume, and that there’s a LOT due diligence that needs to be done, as a community initiative.

However, the advantages are numerous - the hard work is done for us, we get to pick the ones WE want, as opposed to having to build something, and most importantly, it can be done VERY QUICKLY: as soon as property rights are secured and the skeleton crew financed.

[2 The greenfield investment]

We hire someone to create something, in-house, from the ground up. IP rights Sanctum owned, total control from start to finish.


  • Can be financed in steps/phases, with deferred payments if workers are willing.
  • Can be financed via a mmoSOL or something similar, so it doesn’t cost too much
  • Much more creative control over the tech stack used in the game, can use existing ‘manpower’ and hire Sanctum aligned and Solana adjacent folks who are talented and most likely have experience in projects like these


  • Costly
  • Takes the longest of all options, which means it could take months if not years for something ‘playable’, by which time interest wanes.
  • Principal/Agent problem (google it; but I guess this applies for most things where you get someone to do something for you)

[3 The collab]

Find an existing, functional, relatively alive MMO(RPG), and co-brand it with Sanctum.


  • Relatively easy to set up once other party is interested
  • Cheapest of all options


  • Not as strong of an effect as having own brand, seems like stopgap measure, hard to window shop like with option #1
  • Next to no IP rights, no longevity
  • Can be tricky to associate own brand with another (on both ends; example: $CLOUD craters, people got funneled, expected free money, disappointed. Example #2: our partner ends up in some scandal, reflects badly on us)

-------------------------------- | V mmoSOL? |------------------------------------------------

Obviously, in a world of permissionless LSTs, it would be a missed opportunity to not use this (especially with such a catchy name).

Idea is simple:

  • APR diverted towards a community fund which would pay for the bootstrapping of the MMO operations and also for the selection and payment of those executing the aforementioned strategies, to Sanctum’s benefit.

Its contributions could perhaps be matched by funds from the team, or from other partners in the Solana DeFi system, with advertising space inside the gameworld, with standard stuff you’d see in crowdfunding platform - NPCs/Quests named after donors, product placement, etc.

While I’ve never personally participated in crowdfunding a game, I am sure some of you have and know the specifics on how these things are done (most recent was Eiyuuden Chronicles or something like that, a Suikoden spiritual successor)

The mmoSOL would (in theory) provide a healthy trickle of funding towards the execution of the business plan, and allow for governance voting on key matters such as appointment of key figures, their salaries, which option to go with, etc.

-------------------------------- | VI Closing Thoughts (wishlist, lol) |------------------------------------------------

Wow, what a thread, huh?

I hope I didn’t bore you, in case you did actually read through all of that, and in case I have, too bad, you probably clicked on this for one reason or the other.

The way I envision this is perhaps something similar to the screenshot attached, 2D, the game in question is is Angels Online, I believe was developed by a Taiwanese company for the PS3 and PC, which I’ve played for a few years…a long, long, long time ago. But hey, anything can really work, like I said in the first tweet: Ragnarok Online, FlyFF, hell even some skateboarding or snowboarding MMO from years before - why not?

Basically anything works - a game where people can go in, vibe, enjoy a few hours, not talk about cryptocurrencies, and just be part of a ‘safe space’, which I feel is needed now, more than ever before, bringing a ray of light in an otherwise very bleak and increasingly digital future.

That’s kind of it for now, I hope you’ve enjoyed this trip down memory lane.


Thanks for taking the time to draft this post on the forums Kate! Appreciate you a ton.

As a chronically online kid in the 90s/00s, I too am incredibly nostalgic about the old 2000s days (neopets! habbo hotel! runescape! maplestory!) but I wonder if that was a product of its time and it wouldn’t work now in 2024. Would anyone show up? I had a lot of free time back then that I don’t have anymore now. :frowning:

What kind of experience/feeling/vibes are you looking to experience again with this proposal? A large part of it for me was the experience of just hanging out with other people in a chill space. I wonder if instead of a full-fledged MMO, whether some sort of lite “graphical” chat client like IMVU, VRChat, Bondee etc. would deliver a similar experience.

I think Portals on Solana is building this sort of experiences for Solana NFT communities.

If we cut scope even further, perhaps it would be a very barebones “Sanctum Profile” app, where people can customise their avatar, write a bio, browse other profiles, and add people as friends – a nicer version of the Cloud Community Corner – Member List. Would that be compelling?


Hey Kate! Thanks for being here and lending to great ideas and dialog!

This sounds delightful!

Very intriguing idea. My initial thoughts:

Potential Benefits:

  • Community Engagement: An MMORPG can serve as a dynamic platform for users to interact, collaborate, and build a vibrant community around Sanctum’s ecosystem.
  • Brand Awareness: Integrating Sanctum’s branding within the game can subtly introduce players to the broader Sanctum ecosystem, potentially attracting new users.
  • Nostalgic Appeal: Targeting the aesthetic and gameplay of early MMORPGs may resonate with individuals who have fond memories of that era, enhancing user retention.


  • Resource Allocation: Developing and maintaining an MMORPG requires significant time, expertise, and financial investment. It’s crucial to assess whether this aligns with Sanctum’s strategic priorities.
  • Focus Diversion: There’s a risk that such a project could divert attention and resources from Sanctum’s core objectives in the Solana DeFi space.
  • Community Perception: It’s important to gauge how the community and stakeholders might perceive this initiative—whether as a valuable extension of Sanctum’s offerings or a potential distraction.

This seems like a happy medium. A Sanctum LST companion app!

I also think there could be some ways to promote and integrate LST/Creator Coin/Cloud Card features into a game. Gotta think on this a little more…


Indeed it would be a compelling idea.

In my eyes it should be more retro and fleshed out gameplay-wise, than a glorified chatroom/animal crossing type of thing with added on trinkets/clothing, etc.

But in all honesty, even having that, would be much better than having nothing - it’s simply an issue of costs and what’s the most affordable and easiest to implement option.

One thing’s for sure - the people crave a digital safespace and UI that’s not just a Discord or a Telegram. Many communities do stuff like poker night events online (Drift has these, I think), and they’re rather popular. Having something open to both our community and to anyone else that’s not crypto adjacent is what I feel is pushing the envelope further.

@n8tr0n we are very much on point with our thoughts too :handshake:

I’m just happy to have brought the idea out, and if finances and enthusiasm of everyone involved permits, would love to see something like this come to fruition.



In my opinion, the MMORPG market is really challenging right now and may even be in decline. It could be better to focus on mobile apps and games with a “gacha” style (like Summoners War and similar games), as these can reach a wider audience and are simpler to play.

You could make it fun by including PvP, PvE, and other engaging content while also building a community with features like community quests, events, and more. Additionally, an in-game economy where players can buy items like skins, passes, etc. with $Cloud, could add value to the token.

This approach could also bring some utility to $Cloud by channeling it back into the Sanctume/community wallet for events or to reward the community (through staking, voting, etc.) if these opportunities arise in the future.

But of course you have a lot of negatif aspects like : maintenance work, hiring people, etc… So it’s a high risk project !


Epic proposal, and really well written! You put a lot of effort into this :smiley: While I was never really a part of the MMORPG scene, the idea of running through Santcum’s Wonderland brings me lot’s of excitement.

Sparking the world from the Wonderland S1 hype video to life would blow my mind. If we could float around using our own personalized cloudie, that would be so cool.

I would fully support a blend of your initial idea, with fp’s Sanctum LST companion app. Knowing this community someone will come out of the wood work and want to bring this to life!


sounds like fun! our profile characters would be exploring wonderland!

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Haha, I love the creativity of our community. If this project is finished, I dont mind the NFT but please do not make them on chain lol, I dont want to spend gas fee for every interactions!


I like the idea but knowing the size of the team and the time it requires to build and the funds, I think it won’t happen or maybe very late cuz they have so much to build until then :hatched_chick:
But why not, one day ! :cloud:

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I think that if something like this is ever done, it won’t be by the team itself but by an external group of people/community who will “attach themselves” to the team